Some people believe that we guys get a girlfriend by waiting until the time is right, and some believe that we guys get a girlfriend by working on getting a girlfriend. Which do you believe in?

  1. Some of both. There are factors you can control, but a lot you can’t. Life is full of chaos and chance.

  2. I believe the former.
    You can work on finding someone for you but rushing things will lead to bad relationships (speaking from experience) I’d say work on yourself, being happy with yourself.

  3. I think it’s a bit of both. You have to constantly work on yourself and be the best version of you and feel your best. At the same time, that doesn’t mean you can’t look for relationships at all. Work on you, date around, don’t force anything, and when it feels right you know you’ve found the one 🙂

  4. Finding the right person is luck/timing. Working on themselves gives you more opportunities to meet more people. You can’t force having a girlfriend. Better said, you can, but forcing it ends up really depressing

  5. If you’ve been having difficulty for a while, you might need to work on yourself. It all depends on a lot of factors tbh.

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