I use to be sociable 5 years ago until i broke up with my ex at the time and isolated myself from the world and stopped hanging out with my friends as i became v depressed. Now that i’m 23, i’m extremely worried about my future as i i struggle to maintain eye contact without flinching, maintain conversation because i lost my ability to pronounce a lot of words and suffered knowledge of vocabulary to due severe isolation.


i feel so left behind and behind compared to everyone who’s extremely confident, have great vocal tonality, v well spoken, great sense of humour and knowledgeable of so many things. I’m at a point where I’m desperate for help but simultanlessly hopeless because of the amount of work i have to put in to compensate for the years i’ve lost.


Any advice would be appreciated, even if its tough or harsh advice, i need help.

  1. Sign yourself up for some sport or hobby or any classes that will get you out of the house and allow you to potentially meet new people.

    Focus on listening to people at first and getting curious about them. People love talking about themselves. Try to find out if you have anything in common.

  2. Just need to change perspective. People go through breakups. Only difference is that they don’t let it keep them down. You can look at your last relationship as being not compatible with each other. You got yourself into this state, through your own efforts, you can get yourself out through your own efforts. Good luck!

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