So I joined a sports club around 4 months ago and there‘s this cute girl in our group. We haven‘t ever really talked since she‘s always hanging with her 2 friends there and I don‘t know how to approach her there… I have her number though from our group chat (like 14 people or so).
How could I text her the first time? Or is it an absolute no go before having had a talk?
I thought maybe just complimenting something … but idk so whats the best way to go here?
To the girls out there, what would you think of me in this case if I text you?

  1. You should talk to her in person first IMO. She didn’t explicitly give you her number, you were just added to a group chat.

  2. It’s better if you have a talk first. Doesnt have to be too sophisticated. So she kinda acknowledges you.

  3. Definitely break that initial approach anxiety barrier, don’t set big expectations for your chat just aim to have a good conversation.

    I recommend watching this youtube channel called “Social Animal” it’ll probably give you the motivation and ease to go talk to her

  4. Do not text this girl without having talked to her first in person or her atleast making some eye contact/interest. Idk I still wouldn’t text a girl who didn’t give me her number, you’re asking for problems.

    Unless you’re like a 10/10, and have good game/good with your words, she will most likely find it creepy, and you will have 0 chance with her..

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