I’ve always struggled with being able to have what I feel for me personally as difficult conversation territory e.g. giving someone feedback when I’ve been in a supervisory position, trying not to get overwhelmed or flustered when being asked questions I don’t know the answers to, being asked difficult personal questions etc. I find that I always enter into a panic mode and know that I want to be mindful, present and listening, but just can’t. I’m also quite sensitive and unfortunately if a person comes in a bit emotionally charged and starts questioning things (even if it’s not something that I have done) it can exasperate things and I just start shutting down. I’ve gotten a bit better at “managing” my reactions over the years, but still am quite frustrated at myself for being so reactive in the first place.

Beyond trying to take a breath and not taking things personally, I’m interested to hear in what you all like to do to “stay in the game” mindfulness wise and not get flustered (like I do!) whenever you enter your difficult conversation zone.

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