I always see on the toothpaste boxes to close the tap while brushing to save water but I’m wondering who wouldn’t actually do that without being asked?

I know we don’t value water as much we should but how could you contently brush your teeth, humming, while staring at gallons of water just being blatantly wasted.

  1. I’ve always turned the tap off while brushing my teeth – I remember being a really little kid and my dad telling me to keep the tap off. I always think of the wasted water from leaving it on.

  2. I knew people who did and they were the same kind who insisted brushing your teeth in the shower saves water.

  3. I have noticed quite a few of my friends do this over the years. I think it’s surprisingly common.

  4. My husband did when I met him, once I mentioned it he knew it was daft, he’d just always done it. So now doesn’t unless he’s half asleep. He still turns the shower on and wanders off to get undressed in the bedroom ‘while it warms up’ though despite the fact that our shower gets warm in about 10 seconds. That’s my current battle…

  5. Plenty of people leave it running as they don’t see it as waste.

    A mate of mine leave his fridge door open the whole time he’s making tea until he goes to put the milk back in.

  6. I did as a child and a young adult. Probably because that’s what my parents did and I never gave it another thought.

    Oddly enough, it was a comment by Ken Livingstone (probably about 40 years ago) that made me actually think about it and stop doing it.

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