My friend (M17) has been in a FWB relationship with my other friend (F14) who is sort of like a sister to me. This all started in May a day before she turned 14! The guy (we’ll call him R) at question was already 17 at the time. Sadly this girl (we’ll call her S) was obsessed with him. Randomly out of context she would send my group of friends many fucked up and quite frankly disturbing things she would like R to do to her. i won’t go in to detail as the screenshots answer that stuff themselves.

(Also please post the right community to put the screenshots in cause I don’t know the whole moral standards of this dilemma and this community won’t let me post)

Anyway back to the post:
R asked if they could start one with S, she said no at first because she was in a situationship with his fucking brother; Who ironically is also 14.
R asked a couple times going. “You sure you’re already obsessed with me lmao)
She eventually said yes. So she got coerced by someone I considered one of my best mates. I was the fucker’s wingman for a bit and then I hear this nonsense. I felt physically ill after reading the texts and screen recording

Luckily this has finally ended on July 29th and now after sending nude videos and dirty talking. R now hates S cause she called him out on only appreciating her body. Now the bastard is threatening to hurt her and tell her parents.
It’s been seriously affecting my already damaged mental health and relationships with parents and close friends. I did manage to get S to talk to a trusted adult and she is doing better even though she keeps defending the guy. While R is still trying to find “the one” and flirting with literally every teenage girl he finds attractive. I want to go to authorities and report him. But I’m not entirely sure on wether it should escalate that far.

What do you guys think?

  1. It’s not uncommon for someone at 14 to fall for someone at 17. It’s certainly weird and gross. The images and video are highly illegal. Her family has all the evidence they need to send him to jail. People make mistakes and maybe R isn’t the one but if you say something your friendship with S is over. People need to make their own mistakes. Honestly I’d stay out of it.

  2. Distributing photos/videos of a 14 year old is child pornography and should be prosecuted as such.

  3. It depends on age of consent laws where you are – look those up first. In my country, where the age of consent is 16, this would be unarguably statutory rape and distribution of child pornography. If the age of consent where you are is 18 and they are both underage, it might be a little more complicated legally, although of course morally he is still in the wrong. If you can get evidence that he is threatening her, that would be harassment even if they are both underage – but she would probably need to report it herself (whereas child abuse is the kind of crime that can be reported by a concerned member of the public). There should be a charity or government hotline for child abuse or violence against women/girls in your area where you can call for free professional advice, google it. Best of luck, I think you’re right to be concerned and intervene if you can

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