Okay so for starters, I haven’t ACTUALLY asked her out yet and no official date has (obviously) been made…yet. Hopefully some time soon I will find the right opportunity to ask her out and based on what close friends say, she will say yes. And me being the over thinker I am, I somewhat have a night planned for what I’d like to do and ofc im posting this here bc I’d REALLY like some input on it, so here it goes.

First things first, I keep getting constant mixed information on whether or not I should pick her up for the date. It’s essentially come down to, if she lives 10 or more minutes from where I’d like to take her, then I should pick her up, but if it’s that time or less then she drives herself. Me being the relentless romantic that I am, I really don’t want to make her drive, even if she lives decently close to where I’d like to take her out. Thoughts?

Next thing, ofc what is it that I’d like to do. Well close to me there is a small park, and in said park there is a roughly 1 mile long circular trail around a lake in the center of the park. And there is an ice cream place very close to said park. Would it be too much for a casual first date to be meeting up at this park around 7pm-ish and get some ice cream and just walk and talk? (Also there is a movie theater close by but I’m very aware it’d be a bad idea for a first date). Another thing, who should decide what we do/ where we go? On one hand I want to seem confident in showing that I have a night out planned, but I also don’t want to just seem like I don’t care for her input. Should I suggest my plan and then see what she has to say about it?

Lastly, I am a 19m, I see all of these things of “you have to wear a suit or at least a nice polo” while I am not 100% opposed to this, I think it’s a bit MUCH for what I have planned. Also mind you, I live in the great ‘ole Sunshine State in mid-spring, so basically the weather channel will say we will have clear skies with mid 80s temps but then have a tropical storm with mid 50s temp. All that to say my outfit surrounds a pair of khaki joggers with a nice t-shirt, then depending on weather, either a light bomber jacket or an open button up on top of the t-shirt. Thoughts?

  1. Also, if it truly means anything at this point for y’all thinking ab responding to this, the woman involved is ~19f as I don’t currently know her exact age😅

  2. All these “rules” you seem to believe exist don’t exist.

    Have you ever met her? The date idea sounds cute but if you’re strangers, she might take pause about meeting up at a park later in the day. I’d still suggest it anyway and also mention the ice cream place. Remove the movie theatre entirely from your head.

    If you’re asking her out, you should be the one planning the date. Things can become dynamic if all is going well as the night goes on, but up front, you set the stage; “hey, would you want to grab some ice cream and then walk around the park on Saturday night?”

    Dating for guys in terms of dress is pretty straight forward; jeans and a button down, polo, or sweater. Casual but neat. Your idea might be fine but I’d err on the more conservative end on a first date. Good luck bud.

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