what’s a crazy coincidence that left you suspecting we’re in a simulation?

  1. I don’t think we are. Anyone capable of designing a universe simulation at this level of detail would not have designed it so badly.

    I’d also imagine there would be a hard coded stop gap to prevent anyone inside a simulation from exceeding the boundaries of the simulation and recognizing it as a simulation.

    I think that entire concept is humans trying to find patterns in things like we always do.

  2. today i spout out the exact same sentence as a character in a tv show we were watching. finished my sentence .5 seconds before his did, gf and i were both VERY spooked

  3. this is kind of obscure, but bear with me.

    when i was 7, i was at tokyo disneyland during christmas break. it was december 18th 1987, i remember because it was the day before my grandfather passed away.

    you probably don’t remember this unless you’re old like me, but they used to have this attraction called the Cinderella Castle Mystery Tour…it was a dark ride

    at the end, they selected one random child to destroy the “last boss”, the horned king from the black cauldron, with a “sword of light”….

    then they’d put a Hero Medal around your neck for a souvenir.

    well, they picked me, i waved the sword, got the medal.


    in the year 2000, the first year i was with my then-gf-later-wife, we were having dinner at her parents’ house and i mentioned how i wish i could take a vacation down to florida (it was january), then we got on the subject of disney world.

    i mentioned that i’d been to tokyo disney, and SHE said she’d also been to tokyo disney. cool coincidence.

    then i told her about how i’d been lucky enough to win the Hero Medal.


    guess what.

    she was not only there on that day….


    she remembered wanting the Hero Medal soooo badly, but she said, and i quote, “some nerd in a yellow sweater got picked, and he was standing right next to me!!!”


    that was ME.

    i was standing right beside my future wife.


    that was my favorite sweater as a kid, my banana yellow Izod sweater with the gator on the breast. there are pictures of me in tokyo disney wearing it that day, along with those goofy green corduroy osh kosh b’gosh overalls and dorky white Transformers velcro shoes.

    she remembered because december 8th is her birthday. which is where her parents had taken her for her 7th birthday.

    i’ve seen the pictures of them in tokyo disney on that day. december 8, 1987.

    we just sat there in stunned silence.

    she didn’t actually believe it until i showed her the photo album at my mom’s house. she literally dropped the photo album in shock.


    she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. she received treatment, and in 2017, she was given the all clear.

    that year, for her birthday, exactly 30 years later to the day, we were all at her parents’ house for her party.

    for keeping our family together through the tough times….

    for supporting my lazy ass all those years and never complaining, just accepting me for who i am….

    for staying strong and brave and positive in the face of what she believed was a terminal illness, and for beating it like the courageous person she is….

    i draped the Hero Medal around her neck.

    because it’s rightfully hers.


    you want more crazy true coincidences?

    my mother and her father attended the same high school, in the same grade…and never spoke a word to each other in 4 years.

    my wife and i were born in the same hospital, in the same DELIVERY ROOM, by the same DOCTOR, exactly 2 months apart (my birthday is oct 8 1980, hers is dec 8, 1980), at exactly the same time, 8:01 pm.

    my grandfather, george, served in WW2 in the Marine Corps, 3rd Marine Division, and was wounded in the battle of Okinawa.

    my wife’s grandfather, mitsugi, served in the japanese 32nd Army, 24th Division, and was wounded in the battle of Okinawa.

    my wife’s aunt and uncle were 2 of the 4 owners of the resort in Hawaii where my parents took their honeymoon.

    i attended her high school senior prom in 1998, before we knew each other. i danced a dance with her best friend, whose older brother i knew because he worked at the video store down the street from my house. i’d never met my wife at that point, but she was dancing with her bf less than 10 feet away from where we were dancing.


    this is the strangest life i’ve ever known.

  4. this is a very very simple and straightforward one, but in college walking back from a hookups house at 3 am, legitimately not a soul in site at my school of 26,000 people (was a weekday). For absolutely no reason whatsoever I think of my man Jose, who was this super cool dude I played soccer with a year or two earlier. Thats it, we never chilled or anything and had no mutual friends, would just see him at the fields. Actually i cant even for certain say he went to university there (although he likely did) thats how little i knew about him. I also am sure there was nothing soccer related on my walk home that would remind me of him. Anyways a good 5 minutes after thinking about him I fucking walk by him. Only person I saw on my 35 min walk. Simple but unbelievable.

  5. TNTC- ironic coincidences daily. Daily.

    I had a decent Dev for a little while there in June and July. Musta been covering this asshole’s vacay. They’re back, rested and making up for lost havoc time. I despised this Dev- which is what they want I believe now. So I am ignoring every side quest. Piss off Dev.

  6. When I got my vax booster, the woman who gave me the injection was the doctor who’d delivered me 30 years before.

    She apparently had kept up with my mom for awhile, so when she saw my name and that I looked a lot like my dad, she asked if I was [my mom’s] son and we had a really nice chat.

  7. That when matter/energy is together concentrated in a location, time slow downs relatively.

    Ever played a game and when there’s a lot of particles/vertex/geometry, it just slows down.

    But only you notice, none of the NPCs notice because relative to them things are going just fine.

    And what happens if you have too much?… just too much vertex/particles, etc… too much stuff to process, so that it slows down so much that it freezes.

    That happens at the event horizon.

    And beyond that you don’t know.

    I am a software developer and the universe is doing shenanigans like if it was lines of code written in lisp with some hardcore multiprocessing, but still limited to a maximum processing speed.


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