What’s the appropriate action to take when someone you thought you were good friends with randomly removes you from all their social media account?

For context I’m 19M and she’s 24F

We’re just Co-workers and we hang around and joke a lot at breaks, however to keep things short she all of a sudden removed me from all her social media on the weekend, and there is no reason I could think off, since our last interaction was a normal funny one.

Now should I ignore the fact she did that and see how she behaves and go from there? Or does that mean she doesn’t like me as a friend and was just being friendly, and I should stop talking to her?

I rarely post anything at all so the reason definitely wasn’t me spamming or anything, she just decided to remove me and still kept all the other co-workers.

Social media is a big thing for her and she actively tries to get followers when possible so the fact she removed me must mean something.

What’s the appropriate action to take in a situation like this?

  1. She unfollowed you? Either she doesn’t care about you or she expects a reaction, and to both scenerios the proper strategy would be to not give a fuck and move on. Never give a fuck about people that act allof or are straight out flakey.

  2. Now is the time you need to be genuinely busy in your real life focusing on your goals and hobbies, while interacting with other people in real life who actually value and respect you. You will build much needed self esteem and self confidence. Chase excellence, not people.

  3. You do nothing. You say nothing. You pretend you didnt even notice.

    If she’s fine with you at work, and continues to be friendly, you continue being you and hanging out. If she changes, acts cold towards you or doesn’t talk to you, then you can ask her if everything is OK and if you might have done something that upset her.

    Don’t let Instagram dictate your friendships. Sometimes people just like to separate work and social media.

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