For reference I am F, 22 and he is M, 25

We have been together about 3 years, living together about 1.5. When I met him at my job, I was young and incredibly naive. He smoked weed a lot and lived on his own and i thought he was so cool because I was a senior in high school. I was always a goody-two-shoes before I met him. I grew with him and loved him so much, our relationship was stable and he was very supportive. He didn’t have a car and hadn’t up until a couple months ago, when I gave him mine and got myself a new one. He also drank almost every single night and still does. None of this really bothered me too much until a few months ago. I’ve brought this up to him, to lessen his drinking and smoking but he only gets angry at me and says that it isn’t a problem. We have no savings because he uses the money left over from bills on substances. Our apartment is falling apart, a hole in the bathroom ceiling, we have no fridge, fuses in the sockets blown so we don’t have a microwave or anything because only a few outlets work. I am not on the lease and he won’t let me call to get it settled because he doesn’t want the landowners to see all of the bongs/rigs weed/wax. I’ve brought up that I want to stop doing all of this because I want a home eventually and better job opportunities (we live in the south and everywhere over 12 an hour drug tests) but he says that I want a simple life like him too and that if he has enough money for bills then everything is fine. That money isn’t everything. And it isn’t. But what about our cars that will break down eventually or a rainy day. Other than this, he is very supportive and he loves me deeply. We argue a lot, and we also rarely have sex or anything, but we do love each other. It’s just… I want more for myself. I want a better job I want to be substance free im getting too old to be smoking weed every day. And if I don’t smoke with him it makes him feel weird (I don’t drink). Regardless, I’m always breathing in second hand anyway. I don’t want him to struggle, before I moved in he was almost evicted. I love him very much but i don’t have the passion I used to have for him and it’s getting difficult to fake it. He doesn’t deserve that, he deserves honest. I’m scared I’m making a bad decision by leaving him, as we have a lot of the same values and stuff other than the substance use and financial problems. But something has to give.

  1. These issues aren’t gonna go away

    Besides, it doesn’t sound like you’re living in a safe place. While money isn’t everything, safety and security is. He isn’t offering you either of those and has told you he has no plans to

    If you already feel like this isn’t what you want then you should leave. You don’t owe him staying when he won’t even acknowledge that your concerns are valid

  2. Sounds like you already know what to do. You won’t have the relationship you want if you stay with him. He doesn’t want to change. If he did, he would have already.

  3. I understand taking a chance on the guy that seems like a loser to others, but there has to be some potential there… your boyfriend has none.

    He has no motivation or desire to better your lives at all. Please do not waste your life with someone like him. He wouldn’t even have a car if it wasn’t for you handing one over to him.

    There’s no way breaking up with him would be a mistake. You can handle living on your own, you’d be better off.

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