You have a secret tunnel under your house. Where does it lead to?

  1. Quiet craft room where no one can touch my stuff or talk to my while I do my things.

  2. An arcade room! With old school arcade machines, an air-hockey table, foosball, etc. It’d be a great place to host some friends and family!

  3. Actually had one at a restaurant I managed. It led to the nearby river and was last in use during Prohibition.

  4. A secret room that only I can enter which contains a wearable device that can project a protective field around me, and an imperceptibility screen, which allows me to fly and to teleport all around the universe as well as to different dimensions.

  5. Probably an emergency shelter of some sort with food, water, etc that is off grid.

  6. A room with a secret supply of an adequate (read unlimited) amount cheesecake and chocolate.

  7. I’m not ready to travel all the way only to get kicked out or wander around in a foreign land.

  8. A luxurious gym with a huge theatre style tv, Bose surround sound, a fridge stocked with healthy green juice and all my friends who also have tunnels from their houses

  9. Funny you should ask that because my building is quite literally above a Nazi bunker so yeah.

  10. I think I would connect it to a room where I can plug in my mind and either a) see my stories in real life, like I’m living there…or like I’m a fly on the wall. Or b) watch it like I’m in a movie theater.

  11. Under my car? It leads to a small home with a decent partner. Now if I could only find it. So many potholes.

  12. Bug out bunker— it’s dual purpose. I get to have a rad, secret agent hideout with a ham radio and all of my hobby projects, but I also get a cool place to hide from most relevant disasters.

  13. Two lovers forbidden from one another

    A war divides their people and a mountain divides them apart, build a path to be together.

    (Yeah I forgot the next couples of lines but then it goes)

    Secret tunnel, secret tunnel through the mountain secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel! oh yeah!

  14. To a room full of people who make a show of saying they wouldn’t participate here anymore, but then come back a couple days later.

  15. A second house. Which in turn has a tunnel to a third house, which in turn has a tunnel to a fourth house etc all over the globe.* Imagine being able to travel the world by slowly wandering around your houses!

    _“Honey let’s go to Hawaii for your birthday.”
    “Ok, we should probably get moving and walk over to house #7 after dinner tonight then.”_

    *Each house and tunnel entrance/exit would obviously have infallible, state of the art security measures. The tunnels would also be completely concealable so I could rent houses out if I want/need.

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