I’ve always struggled with eye contact , I either overdo it and come off as creepy for staring or underdo it and seem unintrested
what is the appropriate amount and does it differ based on the situation?do you have any practical tips on how I can improve ?

  1. Look at the top of the ear to take a break from the eye contact. You appear attentive but it doesn’t feel like your heads going to explode.

  2. I can relate to this. During my placement year of university, the boss of the organisation highlighted to me that I needed to work on eye contact. She understood that I found it difficult, and I wasn’t just being rude.

    I think it does depend on the situation. In a work setting, and more one to one scenarios, I feel like it’s more important to try maintaining eye contact longer.

    Idk how often you can get yourself in group situations, with friends/family etc, but I feel its a bit less intimidating to try for eye contact, if there’s more than one person around. Youve also got the option to switch between people then, if it gets too much with one person. If its an option for you, I’d try that.

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