When you’re in the presence of your significant other and you see a hot, younger female, do you look again if you’re significant other is behind you? Do you turn around to get another look?

I can’t stand that he does this.

I understand that sometimes it’s just having eyes and looking around.

At times when I follow his head turn and see some smoking hot chick, I… just feel.. not enough and kinda want to say, f*ck you!?!

  1. I can understand where you are coming from. I cant say this is how it is for him but it’s normally not a reflection on you at all. as in he could think you are the sexiest thing alive and he loves and wants you all the time but still finds other women/types of women very sexy as well.

  2. There is always someone hotter, smarter, funnier, …, but he is with you. My advice is to try to be comfortable in your relationship with him and not worried about him checking out another woman.

  3. Men, as nearly all animals, are visual creatures. We always look. Now, out of respect, i try real hard to not be obvious. And its not just young amd pretty for me. Plus, what passes for clothing on some of these women, including ones that should know better, practically invite a double take.

  4. The main problem here sounds to be your insecurities. Odds are that this “problem” will continue to haunt future relationships until you deal with it.

  5. My ex and I had a rule, if you see a hotty squeeze your partners hand so you can both look and enjoy. She is bi-sexual though. I loved that openness. Yes I love looking as long as no one is bothered.

  6. You’re not asking him to not look. You’re asking him to be respectful about it in your presence. And I think you’re well within your rights to do so.he CAN keep himself from breaking his neck to look if he so chooses. The fact he doesn’t would be what upsets me when you’ve discussed it. I don’t have answers but I am sorry you’re going through it

  7. Just because I have a delicious meal in front of me, doesn’t mean I can’t fantasize about what the other menu items would taste like. As long as he’s not trying to eat off somebody else’s plate or send his meal back, then I don’t see the problem.

  8. Nope. I see a hot girl and with a split second I see everything I need to see without turning my head. No need to gawk.

  9. I look. It’s but a glance and that’s it. So what if I appreciate other people. They don’t know me… It’s nothing

  10. We both look at the *hot girl* and even point it out to each other when a pair of nice titties or bottoms are very visible. It’s natural to admire beautiful things, why not enjoy them together. But otherwise if it bothers you he could definitely make it less obvious that he is checking someone out.

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