Ok so I don’t know if it’s my insecurities or if this is considered actually weird. I moved to a different city. A much nicer city than I used to live in before.
A city that is considered a holiday spot. A couple friend of mine for more than 10 years now from that city, visit me with their other couple friend and stay over. However it feels like they’re having a mini party of their own in my house. It’s strange cause they’re always taking selfie together without my husband and I in it, always playing online games on their phone, while we sit in silence watching them and I feel like all we are doing is driving them around, making plans for them and taking them to the best restaurants. In general conversations, they love talking, and I often find myself not being heard or spoken over. I especially hate this one thing, Where I take them to the nicest spots and they post stories about it without us as if they found it. My gut instinct is screaming these are not my real friends, and i feel really bad cause ive known them since high school. However, am I being emotional and overthinking this?

  1. From what you said so far, it sounds like they are using your friendship to get what they want and don’t actually care about you.

  2. It seems they like where you live better than they like YOU.

    All of this feels rude and selfish of them. I’d make this the last time you ever host them, unless there’s some other reason you want to hang onto this ‘barely there’ friendship.

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