I recently learned that when my husband makes a PB&J… he puts the peanut butter and jelly on the same slice of bread without spreading the jelly before putting the empty piece of bread on top. I’m shocked and don’t know what do to do.

  1. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©Seriously, how are you still with this person?! Get out while you still can. /S

  2. OMG! Heā€™s totally cheating on you. Heā€™s fantasizing about the other women while making the pb&j and is unable to concentrate on whatā€™s heā€™s doing. Completely disrespectful. You need to confront him on this immediately and tell him to move out. /s

  3. Listen if he is doing this now, he will never change. I personally would just end the marriage as soon as possible. Try to secretly record him doing this by installing hidden cameras. Youā€™re going to want to have proof. Best of luck to you

  4. There is a good book that might help put it in perspective for you. It’s called “The butter battle” by Dr Seuss. šŸ˜‰

  5. I LOVE this comment section! Posting every cliched piece of advice on this subreddit simultaneously šŸ¤Œ

  6. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my cousins wife mixes the peanut butter and jelly together and then puts it on the bread

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