So I’ve been speaking to a guy for about 2 months now, and I just cannot read him.

For a bit of background, we used to work together, but hadn’t spoken really since he left as we were both in relationships etc.

So we started chatting again (he initiated) and for a while just called/video called in the evenings a couple times a week. Very rarely have we been texting. Calls were innocent, if a little flirty but nothing crazy.

More recently he’s been staying at mine once or twice a week, been very intimate and affectionate. Had some deep conversations and generally enjoy each others time. I’d say I’ve never experienced the level of affection he gives me from any previous partners so that’s really nice. He mentioned it would be cool for us not to see other people (after a couple drinks!) and has said yes to meeting some friends this weekend.

The problem is I’m starting to like the guy, and not sure he properly likes me back. We haven’t gone on a date outside my house, most times we meet up are evenings/sleepovers, and I literally barely hear from him all week, until I give in and text first. I can’t read whether I’m a booty call or someone who he would consider as a potential partner, as I feel like there are a lot of mixed signals.

Granted the start of anything is always a bit questionable and overthought from my experience. I want to ask where we are going and whether he’s into me, but I’m also worried asking that will mean he runs a mile.


  1. >So I’ve been speaking to a guy for about 2 months now, and I just cannot read him.

    >Is he into me or am I a booty call?

    I didn’t need to read the rest.

    If you can’t figure out his intentions. You’re a booty call that will be discarded.

  2. Sounds like a booty call to me or fwb…you can wait for him to ask…orrr…nobody here can give you the factual answer

    You ask

  3. If he runs, you dodged a bullet. You’re most likely than not just a bootycall. It sucks when your feelings are involved. The low effort in not getting out together much, is camouflaged by spending sweet time in together. I know it’s sucks, so I’d suggest you find out sooner or later. Ask him, that way you can move on if that’s what you choose.

  4. Booty Call. He doesn’t want anyone else in he wants you to be openly available to him. He’s playing with your emotions just enough to make it seems like he actually might make you exclusive but never will.

  5. Just ask. If a guy doesn’t define it within 1-2 months then he never will. I’ve learned that from lots of past dating. If he’s giving you flakiness, wishy washy attitude or behavior, or isn’t being consistent then he doesn’t want anything serious.

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