My GF has recently gone on birth control so now we no longer need condoms. I’ve really want to see what unprotected sex feels like for ages and now I can but I’m also worried. How effective is the pill and has anyone here gotten pregnant while on the pill?

  1. Like every other form of contraception it isn’t 100%. But it’s one of the most effective forms. Some factors can lower its effectiveness.

    Not taking it regularly (some pills even have to be taken at the exakt time every day)
    Some medications (ask you doc or pharmacist when she takes meds)
    I believe even a few food items.

    Generally the pill uses hormones to trick the body into believing there is already a pregnancy so there won’t be an ovulation. So if if the pill fails for whatever reason there will still need to happen an ovulation and you have have sex during that time window.

    From what I heard a lot of couples where the pill was used for a long time, it took them also some time to get pregnant after not taking it anymore. However there are also people who got pregnant immediately.

    So, it’s not 100% but very good when taken correctly. But I think you have to wait one or two pill cycles before going raw because it needs some time to be effective I think.

  2. It’s 99% effective if taken perfectly on time every single day without missing any days. In reality, it’s more like 91% effective because no woman is perfect and do sometimes forget or take it not at the exact same time everyday. This may sound like an unlikely chance of getting pregnant but I know of many stories of women who have gotten pregnant even on the pill. If your partner is okay without using any other backup contraception, then that is both your choice. But you should be prepared and know that it’s definitely a possibility that she becomes pregnant.

  3. There is somehow a stigma with the pill that many people think it’s not effective when in reality it’s the most effective contraception ever. The only problem with it is human error if you forget to take it and such but as long as she takes it like she should there is no need to worry. I know that it says it’s not 100% effective but the companies write it on there so you can’t sue them if by some weird reason you end up getting pregnant

  4. Is it a combined pill or progesterone-only? Progesterone-only pills have a stricter daily window of time that it needs to be taken in. Same time every day is especially important with it.

  5. I have no unplanned kids. Have been with a partner for over 15 years and was on the pill

  6. Very effective *if taken properly* and no other medications are taken that can interfere with it. Birth Control Bingo from Scarleteen is a good starting point for you to learn more about the various forms of contraception.

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