I am 26 and I do have a few friends, but to be honest, I want to grow my circle a bit more.

Growing up, I was a shy and introverted person, never really had any friends growing up until I reconnected with an old high school acquaintance and we grown tight since. We also reconnected with some class mates and stayed connected. In addition I also made a few friend at a university event this year.

I honestly feel like your past dictates your future. And now I can’t have the life I want.
I just that I am stating to catch up on these experiences.

1 comment
  1. No your past does NOT dictate your future, not unless you let it! You are still young and have LOTS of life experience ahead of you. Also people hit different stages in life and need to make new friends over and over again.

    Now is the perfect time to level up your social skills and expand your social life!

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