We met on a dating app and found out that we both go to the same university. We texted for 2 weeks occasionally and he says he will keep seeing other girls, and i said it’s ok ‘cause i’m also scared of committing. We met just once (3 days ago) and talked all night and made a good friendship, actually. Sex was so good and i wanted to keep seeing him everyday, but i am scared of misunderstanding. He may think that i fell in love with him. Because we also talked about that and he said he certainly doesn’t want smth like that. Besides, he didn’t text me since, but we were cool he said and showed he enjoyed it a lot. So, how often do you think i should keep seeing him? or how often do you guys meet?

  1. What’s wrong with having an honest conversation about it?

    “Just so that we are clear on this, I am NOT catching feelings. But damn, you are pretty awesome to have in me and I would have you here every day if I could. Do you want to come over more often?”

  2. Just let it play out naturally according to your schedules. What you feel after one meeting may change. But it’s worth setting some ground rules like mutually agreeing to txt each other anytime you feel like catching up with a clear understanding that there are no expectations if one of you is busy or not up for it for any reason, and no explanations are required.

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