I (24m) broke up with my partner (22f) roughly a week ago. We were only very short term, 3\~ months or so. Things started brilliantly, both very much into each other and the efforts made were equal. I feel for her very quickly and she fell for me. But it was almost as if a switch went off in her head and then there was a sudden change of behavior from her about a month ago. She became very distant, we stopped seeing each other as often and she had stopped sharing details of her life with me. I was now the only one making effort and messaging her first etc. I believe she may have avoidant attachment issues as she told me early on in the relationship that she found it hard to talk and show her emotions but at first, she showed many and often initiated many ‘passionate’ moments and opened up to me.

I politely confronted her twice in the final month about her being distant, saying if her feelings had changed that we can end it there and then mutually, friendly and on good terms. She is after all apart of my friend group so no matter what happens, we will still occasionally see each other on a night out. She reassured me that she wanted to continue on with the relationship.

Finally, I was fed up with giving her the same energy I had been giving her since day one and receiving nothing back. I texted her someone along the lines of “Hey \_\_\_\_ could I pop to yours for a chat, its pretty important” basically, I wanted to explain to her (as I had done twice before) that she’s been distant etc. but this time I was fed up and had the intention of breaking up with her. But she refused that I go there. I then called her up and told her that the chat was important and it would be better done face to face. I did not want things to end badly as mentioned previously we’re apart of a friend group and to be honest, I don’t dislike her at all. I was just tired of a one sided relationship. However, she still refused I go there. I got sick of the back and fourth so I told her I would come to hers the next day to which she agreed.

Once I got home, she facetimed me saying “Now we’re face to face, you can tell me it now” I once again explained it should be done in person. Long story short, I had the conversation I wanted with her over facetime. She seemed emotionless and I got a little upset. I explained how I felt over the past month due to her behavior and she had admitted that she was detached from the whole thing (and more) recently. We agreed to part ways and she said she would not pursue a relationship and wanted time to be single. My friend then saw her on tinder two days later, which I must admit did hurt. Epically since she said she was not interested in a relationship now. That same day I messaged her about us meeting up in person, so we could clear the air and exchange our belongings. She responded in a cold manner “What is there to talk about…”, again this hurt me as I did not want things to be like this.

Anyway, more long stories short. I feel as if I regret my choice to end things with her and had I known she had avoidant attachment behaviors I would’ve handled things differently. I’ll be seeing her on a friends night out soon and I want to tell her I wish to get back with her but since she’s acted quite coldly when I broke up with her and the short text conversation we had a few days later that she has completely lost interest or perhaps she is mad I ended things. Should I wait a little longer to ask her back or just completely move on? Overall, I have dealt with the split quite well. Of course I miss her and little things remind me of her but I’m not broken over it.

TL;DR: Short relationship, fell for her, she became distant, now regret breaking up and I’m seeing her at a party soon.

  1. Move on. You feel aS tho she is making no effort so that should be a clue that she has lost interest. Just be polite when you are out with friends.

  2. Dude when someone says they would rather you not come over, just end it over phone or text. Not everything needs to be done face to face. You wanted emotion from her and you wanted to see her fight for something that isn’t there.

    Read the room

  3. Maybe let this one go. Anybody who is putting in little to no effort isn’t interested.
    Her response when you asked her to meet up to exchange your things, plus the fact that she wasted no time in looking for someone else to hook up with is all you need in terms of wondering where you stand with her.

    I struggle with trust & commitment issues, but if I like someone, I make an effort to make an effort.

    You can’t have a relationship with someone who completely shuts you out of their life. You might miss her now, but you’d be miserable in a couple of weeks. You can’t make someone match you feelings.
    If she missed you, you would know about it.

    Move on, you’ll thank yourself.

  4. Nothing on her part has changed how she’ll behave if you start dating again. If anything, you now have evidence that it could be even worse. I’d let this one go.

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