I am going to have dinner with my husband and another married couple. Topics such as family and work probably won’t last us the night. What else can I bring up to keep us away from personal topics?

  1. Try to find out what topics they like. I have coworker who will not say directly about topics he likes, but I found out his fav topics to talk about and I find it hard to talk with him…
    I suggest talking about traveling, because in the summer people travel alot or if they wanted to travel somewhere this summer. Maybe talk about food taste or their looks. During conversations maybe it will lead to other topics? Maybe you know some topic which is popular to talk about in your city or country? What do you know about them? If you have some intel about them, then create the topic to talk about.

  2. Travel is a good one, like AmatoryHunter said. You can talk about where they want to travel to, places you’ve always wanted to go, etc. Try and remember things they’ve mentioned in the past or glance through recent social media posts to ask follow up questions, such as about vacations, hobbies, or recent events in their life. I love pets as a small-talk conversation topic, too.

    Remember, there will be three other people there to help carry the conversation, so don’t stress too much about thinking of a lot of topics to rely on. You’ll do great, OP.

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