About a month ago I took my wife out for a night on the town. We went to dinner and a comedy club. Thanks to a half a gummy and some beer we both had fun and decided to hit a pizza joint for some grub afterwards.

Upon entering the pizza place, I noticed several people standing around in a random fashion. They appeared to me to be waiting in line for their pizza to be cooked. I took my wife’s hand and headed for the pizza order window.

After a few steps, I heard her call my name and looked back to realize that she had stopped. Evidently we were walking past a haphazard lineup of people waiting to order pizza.

I am polite and courteous person. I hate rude people and would never try to “bud” a line on purpose.

Low and behold, a certain grumpy and drunken looking fellow took offense assuming I was trying to cut the line. I apologized a couple of times and started walking to the back of the line.

The man became aggressive and stepped towards me and so I stood my ground and warned him that he should step back. It became somewhat heated so my wife and I decided to leave.

As per our norm, once we were in the Uber she began to criticize me for “deliberately” trying to cut the line.

Last night, 2 months later, it came up again and she continues to suggest I did it on purpose. This, for us, sadly is a repeating saga where my wife just consistently is always….”on the other side”.

Is this normal? What does it mean about her? what does it mean about us?


  1. Don’t feel too bad. I lived this exact scenario for a 25 year marriage. My now wife of 5 years is truly “ride or die” for me and it’s the best feeling ever.

  2. I’ve been married a lot of years and if I can offer nothing else it is that women have long memories 🙂 things can be brought up out of a clear blue sky to illustrate some point or other. Now why your wife chooses to brign this up is anyone’s guess. Sounds like you handled it appropriately by apologizing and then backing your way out before there was real trouble. My only regret is you didn’t get a pizza!

  3. Some people react differently when they are embarassed. Souns like this might be the case here?

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