So a few nights ago I was very drunk and hooked up with this guy. The events of that evening are kind of a blur, but I think I remember this happening: when he finished, I looked down and somehow the condom had disappeared. I felt around for a second and noticed that it had somehow come off inside me, (it wasn’t like stuck deep in there, just near the surface of my vagina) so I pulled it out. However, it’s been a few days now and today I noticed that I was super itchy umm… “down there” and I don’t know why. And it wasn’t just itchy on the outside, but like, deep in there… I’m starting to panic. Could it be possible that I’m remembering that evening wrong and I never actually found the condom, but it’s actually still stuck inside me??? Or could this be some kind of std… what do I do??

  1. Noone can tell you if your memory is faulty.

    You need tonsee a doctor. Not to be a fear monger but had a condom come off in me and I did contract an STI from that encounter. It’s also possible it’s just yeast or BV infection.

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