Hi everyone, I’m pretty good friends with a girl at my workplace, whom I’ve spoken to for the past few months, and I’ve asked her out next week. She took 1 day to reply me, saying that next week may be difficult, as we would be moving to different work locations, having to re-adjust, and she’ll have tough duties on that week as well.

She has the habit of putting me on “unread” at old work location during working hours too, but she would reply me at the end of the day after work, with decent conversations.

Now that she’s at her new work location, she has not replied me for 2 days (it’s still “unread”), after I replied to her initial concern that we can in fact arrange for a meeting 2 weeks later instead. I told her that she can let me know when she’s free and adjusted.

Is the right move here to wait for her response (to reach out to me) once she’s well-adjusted to her workplace? I’m hesitant to write this off, given that she did show interest during the months we conversed, and she has the habit of replying only after work hours so as to focus on work (our careers are very demanding ones). But I don’t deny that I’m feeling a bit uneasy.

Overall, she’s single, and this — if it happens — will likely be her first relationship.

Meanwhile I’m doing my best to focus on my work and hobbies too. Appreciate any help, as well as any advice from someone who has experienced the same thing. Thank you.

1 comment
  1. >She has the habit of putting me on “unread” at old work location during working hours too, but she would reply me at the end of the day after work, with decent conversations.

    I mean you’re strangers and she’s at work. Great if she replies but don’t expect her to drop everything.

    Did she even offer to reschedule when she said she couldn’t meet you? If not, that’s a sign she isn’t interested.

    All you can do is try and organise a date to see her with a definite time and location. Then leave it in her court to reply. 1 day, 3 days, a week, leave it to her. If she’s interested, she’ll let you know.

    Then just focus on yourself and date other girls. I wouldn’t burn bridges just incase but I wouldn’t expect anything from her at this moment in time. Moving for work or not, they wouldnt leave you unread for days if they were interested.

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