How has a partner pushed you to near breaking point?

  1. Constant testing, one day i just decided enough is enough and went to a Sabaton concert and put her on ignore mode.

  2. When she repeatedly hit me hard enough to bruise my eyes, because she knew i wouldn’t fight back. Until I did.

  3. I’m close breaking point after 16 years of crap. She does nothing at all. Constant put downs, sarcasm. no help at all.
    She’s hysterical bonding at the moment, yesterday she’d actually taken chicken out of the freezer to cook today. Not cooked anything in years.
    I cook more or less daily from scratch after working all day and doing all house work and kids club drop offs and pick ups. She does nothing but sit on her phone and give me crap.
    So, she’s taken chicken out. I asked nicely what you making with it, she says she’s going to chuck it all in the slow cooker. Then she said kids have asked and are complaining! I said what are the kids saying?
    She said that it won’t taste nice!
    I thought.. True cos when she has cooked before she chucks everything in a, slow cooker and it’s tasteless no thought put into it at all.
    So, I said look for a, nice recipe? Or don’t use slow cooker? Then I said il chop you stir. All said nicely.
    She says there’s not enough hours in the day to faff around like that!
    I just walked off thinking so, how do I do it!
    Shes off all day today and only works 20 hours a week when she works.

  4. Gas lighting. A slow creep in chipping away my self esteem. I didnt see it until quite a while after we broke up (actually didnt know what it was as I’d never experienced it before).

  5. She was completely useless, and never pitched in on anything. Didn’t cook, didn’t clean, didn’t help with things outside, didn’t buy groceries, if there was anything that needed to be picked up or fixed she just added it to my list and went back to being on her phone. The one straw that broke the camels back was one day I was bringing home about 10 bags of groceries after a long day of work, she had the whole day off, and all I asked was for her to open the door while I was on my way home so I didn’t have to fumble with my keys… I know, a lot to ask… and wouldn’t you know it, I get home, door locked, and find her sitting on her ass scrolling facebook on her phone. I started unpacking groceries and cooking supper for just myself, and when she asked what I was doing I said “just doing everything myself apparently” and when she asked what I was making for supper, “making myself this, not sure what the fuck you’re gonna have”. After that day I never asked her for anything, and never went out of my way to help her with anything. I did everything myself just full of resentment and she never even picked up on it. Then one day I had my spine injury, and became pretty much useless myself, and needed a lot of help, meaning she had to pay the bills and get the groceries and cook and clean… big surprise she left… too much to handle, even though I did all that for about 5 years of our marriage… Happiest day of my life was getting that divorce certificate in the mail! 😀😁

  6. Her inability to control her temper , emotions, or anxiety. Pretty early on I saw some red flags, but considered them fairly realistic or even normal flaws. But oh boy was I wrong. As we continued to date, the layers began to peel away, and I realized what I got myself into. Nearly 4 years later, I’m in quite a pickle. Recently only exasperated by moving in. The first few days were amazing, then she started demanding things be done XYZ for her anxiety. Then the freak outs that would seemingly come at the drop of hat. Something as simple as cutting a vegetable the wrong way from how she envisioned and didnt communicate would send her into a seething fit of rage, and vile condescending comments. Now my phone calls are policed as she listens from the other room, looking for the slightest thing she can interpret the wrong way and purposefully stab herself and cry victim. I need help… I have no idea what to do. I’m just waiting for the next thing to set her off, which is nearly everyday. Living on eggshells in unstainable. I can feel myself nearing my breaking point….

  7. The constant mood swings and silent treatment has pushed me close to hitting the D button. If it wasn’t for the kids I probably would.

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