I have run into a lot of women in my life how are interested in astrology, horoscopes, the occult, and other practices. I have of course run into plenty of men who are into it as well, but it feels like an overwhelming female dominated hobby. I’m curious just how many people, specifically men are interested in these things and why.

If anyone would also like to share their experiences with some of these that would be really appreciated!

  1. It’s a massive ball of bullcrap, the whole “industry” is a nest of scammers and it exploits a few key personality aspects that women tend to have in a more common manner.

  2. Everyone should have a hobby. Some read tarot cards, others mold their life around the jedi way… to each their own I suppose.

    That being said, I’ll sometimes indulge in having my palm read or participate in a tarot card session just for the asmr high lol.

  3. I think they are whatever hobbies I’m neutral on them until I know a person is putting real weight in using them on making decisions in their life.

    Then I start to become atleast skeptical on that person’s judgement. It’s like taking real stock on the content on a fortune cookie.

  4. I think they’re fun to mess around with just as a little jokey-type thing, but the moment you start taking it serious and worrying if Mercury is in a Sarcophagus, it’s a problem

  5. It’s not real. If they do it for fun, then I respect that. If they really believe in it, then I would think they have a screw loose.

  6. I think it’s a convenient vehicle for talking about people she knows, and their characteristics.

    Which I really don’t give a half a shit about either, but I drop the “I heard Geminis are fucking sluts” just to gather info.

  7. I think astrology and horoscopes are a bunch of nonsense. Tarot gets a pass because I think it’s a fun parlor trick and while I don’t think it can tell the future, most of the “readings” are generalities that you can use as a springboard for introspection and reflection on an issue that’s bothering you, in a sense it is a self fulfilling prophecy.

  8. It’s all silly nonsense and a total dealbreaker if you actually take it seriously. I don’t care if you do it for fun, like taking on online quiz, but know it’s not real.

  9. If you’re using it as a comfort thing or because you find it interesting, okay sure, do whatever you need to get through the day in this hellworld. Doing a tarot spread isn’t hurting anybody so why not?

    If you start acting judgemental or making important decisions solely on the weight of that type of thing, you probably need to take a step back and gain some perspective.

  10. I think it’s quackery. I am interested in owning tarot cards though. The artwork can be neat.

    The occult and paranormal do indeed have more female believers.

  11. If its for fun I see nothing wrong with it. If people (generally women) take it seriously to the point that they think it’s real I just roll my eyes.

  12. I don’t believe in any of it. But I don’t begrudge those who do as long as they aren’t making big life decisions around it.

    My ex girlfriend believes in it. She was always self conscious about the fact I think it’s all baseless. But I tried to do little things like “bless” a gift I was giving or collect rain water for her divinations and whatnot. For all the harm it does compared to any other belief system not grounded in scientific rigor, I see no reason to be militant about it. I’ll stand my ground on my staunch disbelief but that’s it.

  13. I like the artwork, and the lore or whatever you wanna call it is interesting. I don’t care what people are into, but it becomes a problem when they start making life decisions based on it.

  14. It’s bs..but I can get with it.If It starts some interesting theology or history conversations.

  15. Vague wording that can apply to anyone. I don’t shit on anyone’s hobby, but you asked.

    That being said, in the game Ogre Battle for the snes, they are pretty important and interesting

  16. I see it as BS, and immediately swipe left on anyone saying they’ll ask for my sign or that they’re “a little witchy”

  17. I don’t take astrology seriously, but it is sometimes fun to think about and discuss with women I’m dating. For example, I always surprise people when I tell them that I’m a Gemini. That particular zodiac sign is known for being talkative, bubbly, smooth-talking, etc., but I have always been a quiet and serious-minded person, and I don’t have many friends. Interestingly, I looked at my birth chart, and I do have mostly Earth signs within it.

  18. I don’t believe in any of it, but if someone asks my zodiac sign I say I’m an Aquarius (because I am) and I love hearing them tell me about how great Aquarius’s are. You never hear bad things about them.

  19. I see a lot of it as people who are lost, or at least in my experience. The few I met had serious mental issues they should’ve worked out before going into that, because a lot of them had really seriously played the suicide and self harm options when they don’t get their way.

    If there is some weight to it – I prefer to let the resting stay resting.

  20. As long as they’re hobbies, they’re fine. The moment you start making life decisions based on it, you’re out the door where you can see your star signs more easily.

    If you’re foolish enough to believe that constellations that are billions of miles away can influence your day-to-day life, then you’re a liability to any person or business you associate with.

  21. People that appreciate the occult have greater depth to their personality and possess a more sophisticated perception of the world and the things in it. These people tend to be very unconventional in their thinking and can be very interesting characters. The most insightful conversations even about the most mundane things will come from anyone that studies the occult arts undoubtedly. With respect to your idea that these things are dominated by women, on the contrary to what you see at first glance, the occult is actually dominated by men. For centuries social bias and sexism has kept women on the outside of occult practice. Freemasons, Skull and Bones etc Many magical orders and occult fraternities are exclusively male even to this day and for that reason many women have sought to be counted among us. Think of a famous magician, Houdini, David Copperfield, De Laurence. These names come to mind swiftly, name 2 famous female magicians off the top of your head…I’ll wait. So yeah the occult is a beautiful place and the people that appreciate it are equally fascinating in an their own ways both seen and unseen.

  22. Fantasy. It can be entertaining if that’s your thing but it’s in the realm of fairy tales, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus.

  23. It’s all BS, but it’s fine to have them as a hobby. If you actually take it seriously you’re an idiot and I’ll call you out as such.

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