I (M25) met this girl on a dating app and we spoke regularly for about a week or so before our first date. all things considered, it was a bit of a disaster. I enjoyed myself and I think she did too but i was a little hungover and didn’t make a move even though she really wanted me to.

we kept talking for a few weeks, and hoping our second date would go well she cancelled on me three times for various (but legitimate) reasons.

all things considered, things were going well though. we were talking almost every day, she would text or call me late into the night as she works quite late, and dating exclusively had come up in conversation a few times. after getting to know her, it turns out we have a mutual friend who we ran into, and he’s assured me that she seems really into me and that she appeared much happier around me.

she called me over after a pretty bad day at work and we watched tv, slept together and i spent the night. she rushed out the house in the morning for work, and had told me beforehand that she would be away on holiday for a week in a few days and she might not contact me in that time.

we spoke the next day, but she seemed in a bad mood and like she was no longer interested in talking to me and started ignoring some of my messages. It’s been about 2 weeks since we’ve spoken, and she still hasn’t responded.

We’ve only known each other a few weeks but is it worth pursuing this or has she lost all interest? I like her, though I can accept if she’s moved on. I just really hate being left hanging like this.

1 comment
  1. I’ve dated girls like this. They think because work was stressful they can be miserable around others and it’s fine because they “had a bad day.”
    Is she back from her holiday yet? If she is and hasn’t contacted you yet I’d take that as a sign she’s not into you.

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