As the title says Im 23 F, short and fit and recently have been curious about trying men. This was really shocking to me and I ignored it for a few years but recently Ive been curious about trying cock. Im looking for advice on where to find someone i can try this out on and if you have any tips for someone whose never seen or touched a cock ?? Would men care Im inexperienced? Im excellent at lesbian sex, like really excellent, but am completely in the dark for men

  1. I can’t speak for all men but personally if you are up front and tell me your a lesbian trying guys for the first time I’d be pretty stoked to give you the best performance I can offer while taking it at your pace and making sure you are comfortable and happy with the experience.

  2. >where to find someone i can try this out on

    Literally anywhere heterosexual men are.

    >Would men care Im inexperienced?

    No, if anything they’d be excited to fuck a lesbian for one of her first times with a man.

    >you have any tips for someone whose never seen or touched a cock

    Have you never done anything involving another woman that was wearing a strap on dildo?

    Pretty much the same stuff.

  3. Believe it or not, I’ve been in this exact same situation. Tinder was the place I went. I put it in my bio that I was looking to experiment. Waited till I matched with a guy who was respectful and made me feel comfortable. He was totally fine with all the weird questions I had about his anatomy!

  4. My advice, if you’re just trying for now, be as picky as you want. You want to get the optimal sample before you commit to the full dish.

  5. My only advice would be to pick a confident but genuine nice guy.

    Don’t fuck a jerk who will be pushy and annoying. Find a decent guy who enjoy the exploration and experience with you instead of just being determined to dominate you and turn you str8.

    Alot of us men are real assholes, don’t pick one of those and get turned off from us forever.

  6. If it’s only about penis but you still are attracted to women, perhaps trans women are more what you’re after? A trans top is a rarity, but many are switch. Strap ons are also an option but I am assuming you’ve tried this.

    Regardless, if it’s only a sexual thing you want than no matter who you find, the most important thing is to set your boundaries early and before you start being physical. Have fun and stay safe!

  7. Go for it. Talk to your partner, make sure he knows what you like, take is slow and easy til you get comfortable. I volunteer to assist 😉. Do you have a guy friend that you feel comfortable enough with to ask to show you around his dick? Learn how it fills up, where he is most sensitive, just play with. Hope you have a fabulous experience!

  8. Billions of women have tried it and keep trying it.
    That said, be prepared to be disappointed.
    In her TedTalk on “Cliteracy,” artist Sophia Wallace mentions that in hetero unions, women tend to achieve sexual satisfaction about 30% of the time while men achieve sexual satisfaction about 90% of the time. In lesbian unions, womens’ sexual satisfaction is about 90% of the time.

    Just means that guys are selfish. Good news is they are trainable.

  9. I encourage your exploration if you’re curious, but don’t set your expectations very high. Hetero sex tends to not be as fulfilling for women as lesbian sex.

  10. I’d say go about it the same way you go about finding women – whether that’s bars, tinder, whatever. Just make it absolutely abundantly clear that you’re just experimenting so no one has any misunderstandings.

    Advice for the sex; maybe just think of the oenis is like. An oversized clit. That’s an oversimplification but it’s an incredibly sensitive spot so be decently gentle unless given permission or instruction otherwise.


    Seriously though? IME Your best bet is to find a guy who understands queerness and isn’t going to treat you as some fantasy fulfillment. Bisexual and pansexual men exist, and as a bisexual woman they make me feel, well… like a person and not a fetish! In a way that a good chunk of cisgender, heterosexual men are VERY VERY bad at. Obviously there are bad apples in both groups, but when I’m playing the numbers game I want to mitigate risk to the best of my ability (“risk” here being “the odds of my vagina shriveling up completely after the dude says something out of pocket”). Your odds of finding anyone are extremely good, so don’t be afraid to be choosy.

    The vast majority of my friends are bisexual men, and quite a few of them went through the “thought I was gay, but the pandemic made me realize I’m interested in women as well” epiphany. So I try to give guys that are down to try things out with women for the first time a good and safe first experience. That involves a LOT of teaching: how to undo a bra one-handed, how to eat someone out, how to prepare for and have vaginal sex, that kinda thing. Expect to learn! Spend your first time getting used to the hardware and learning what feels good for both of you (and if the guy tries to rush you along, kick him to the curb. Go at YOUR pace).

    Worst comes to absolute worst, if you can’t POSSIBLY find anyone good enough, look into an escort. YMMV depending on your location, but finding someone who will go at your pace and won’t make it weird or try to add feelings into the mix might be a worthy investment.

  12. Hire a sex worker/escort honestly, they’ll go at your pace and won’t get shitty or pushy with you.

    Also you know it’ll be good.

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