I (F) am sexually active and masturbate regularly. I find it rather easy to reach climax while masturbating (with and without toys) but only while I’m laying on my back with my legs straight and only slightly open. My significant other (M) tries to make me orgasm but is only successful when he fingers me as I lay in the same position. This isn’t necessarily a problem as I don’t mind not reaching climax every time we have sex and he also doesn’t mind fingering me every time, but I was just curious if this is the case with anyone else or if there’s anything I can do to change this?

  1. Stop masturbating that way, lol. Our bodies become accustomed to a certain pressure, position, etc. And we forget to experience pleasure in all the different ways that we can. You’re limiting yourself.

    It’s your orgasm, so if you say you’re happy with it, then carry on. Or decide to try something different focused on the journey and not the finish.

  2. Unfortunately you’ve spoiled yourself, and now your body is stubborn and only wants to orgasm that way.

    You need to teach your body that it’s ok to orgasm other ways. That just means practice and patience

  3. I’m in the same boat… I accidentally taught myself to only orgasm with my leg muscles entirely tensed. Leaves me real sore the next day in the legs 🤣🤣

  4. I can only masturbate while laying on my back too. Otherwise, I’m not comfortable enough to reach climax. When I masturbate in the shower for example, I can’t think of anything else but my legs. It’s like I constantly have to remember to stay on them. When I do it in another position, I can’t focus on anything else but how uncomfortable it is.

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