Would you sing the national anthem at the super bowl even if you were a terrible singer? Why or why not?

  1. I love my anthems (3 nationalities). I still sing them under my breath as a respectful praise. I’m a terrible singer. I’m shy. Super Bowl, me, people, microphone. Nah. Dead on the spot.

  2. I wouldn’t sing the Star Spangled Banner where more than two other people could hear me, and I don’t consider myself a terrible singer at all. That anthem is hard.

    I’m a dual national. Fortunately my other country’s national anthem is easy 😉

  3. No. Fuck nationalism. Why do people blindly put faith in their own countries when their countries don’t give a shit about them.

  4. If I’m being paid enough, yes. If I’m not being paid, no I wouldn’t because I despise football

  5. IMO people forget easily, and usually people don’t care as much as you’d think. So yeah, why not

  6. As a terrible singer, yes! I’d be honored that they even let me try, and I’d do my damndest to do it right. Plus, if it turned out too badly I’m sure they’d cut to commercials.

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