I was in a group of three, the girl next to me is talking, I’m looking at her as she speaks. I’m mostly looking at, and around her. My head is turned, because she is all the way to my side. I think this is the polite thing to do. She is also is maintaining normal eye contact with us. This is where I’m making sure I’m not crazy. There was a guy there also and he was also listening to her normally mostly, but out of the corner of my eye I see him keep turning his head to look at me. Not surreptitiously or anything, I can feel it burning a hole into the side of my face lmao. I struggle with eye contact. I have to actively do it. So I awkwardly never turn my head to meet their eyes which probably would solve my problem. So it brings me to ask, are you supposed to look at everyone to make them feel included? I only really switch looking around the people if I’m following the conversation. How does natural eye contact look like to you?

1 comment
  1. in group settings people typically look at someone to see their reactions to what’s being said. the person they usually look at is who they like the most in the group

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