My girlfriend is meeting my family for the first time, and my immigrant parents are pretty uptight. My girlfriend really loves to push sexual boundaries, and almost always goes commando when wearing dresses. I know she’ll wear one when meeting my parents because she’s been looking for an excuse to wear a specific sundress that she loves. I worry she is going to take the chance to get a little adventurous and maybe even tease me a little.

I don’t want to be a wet blanket and make her hesitate when being spontaneous and fun in the future, but honestly, I don’t trust her not to have a sense of propriety. I’m in a bit of a pickle. Is it rude to ask her to tone down her wonderful sense of adventure just for the day we’re meeting parents?

  1. Nope not rude. You’re allowed to set a boundary. E. G. “Hey GF, I know we usually like to get spontaneous and sexy, but when we’re with my parents, let’s not do that” . If she questions that (which she probably won’t if she respects you), just explain it makes you feel xyz. As an aside, if this sneakiness/flirty/edgy business is a particular kink, you can politely say that there are lots of other people who you could do this in front of… Just not my parents plz

  2. It’s inappropriate to push your sexual activity on others, and behaving yourself in front of your partners parents is common decency, especially in their house.

    Just lay down the law on this one. She can behave like that in front of her own family.

  3. Maybe 🤔 I am not that girl but try asking and discuss the situation that you need her to not do anything sexual around your parents than tell her she can have a whole day with you separate from your parents where she can push boundaries… maybe she will see it like a form of edging (just an idea). But no you are aloud to ask this it’s part of being in a relationship politeness is important.

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