A guy approaches you and asks for your number. You say, “No, sorry.”

They ask, “Why?”
You give them a reason (you’re in a relationship, you’re not interested, you’re gay, etc.)

They don’t leave you alone, instead they bombard you with a bunch of questions instead of accepting your reasoning.

What do you do now?

  1. When a man does not want to accept your reasons for rejecting them, call him out on being a predictor. Tell him his behavior is harassment and that’s probably the reason why no wants to give him their number. Do this assertively and do not give him a chance to explain. Men do bad with rejection. Be as cruel as you possibly can, so that he knows it’s not an option to talk to you.

  2. “I’m trying not to be rude but you’re making it very difficult not to be. I said no and I don’t need to explain myself any further.”

    In my experience when you are direct they see it as “cold” and fuck off.

  3. Depending on my mood I will either completely blank them after my “no” or I’ll call out their creepy persistence.

  4. I don’t apologise when I say no. I’m not obligated to give my number to anyone. It’s a straight up no, followed by “because I said so.” If they still persist I find the full hairdryer treatment to be effective…”what the hell is wrong with you that you don’t understand what I’m saying. I’m not interested in you. I never would be interested in you. Back the fuck off and leave me alone.”

    But then popularity has never been something I’m fussed about.

  5. Either ignore him or get help because this might escalate to something worst. By the way is he a friend of yours prior to this?

  6. Tell them exactly why. If he is pressing you for answers instead of accepting the word “no” then he’s pushing it and you should give it to him straight. If he’s not attractive, tell him. If he’s not funny, tell him. If he is entitled and obnoxious (seems like he is) then tell him.

  7. I don’t give them a reason in the first place. No is not the opening position in a negotiation. The only answer you should give to “but why?” is “because I don’t want to”.

    Any further questions should be ignored or calmly and flatly responded to with “no”.

  8. A guy once approached me at the bar when my friends were not around, I told him that I was (still am) in a very happy relationship and that I was NOT interested.

    This man had the audacity to say “It’s not like you’re married tho”, in that moment I knew that he would not take a “no” for an answer, so acting crazy was the only way out. I always wear rings that my family passed down to me, and that night I was wearing them on my left hand. I showed him the rings and told him that I was actually planning my wedding and started giving him all the details (the location, the food, how amazing my bf is,…) as if I was crazy, I kept talking about it for a good 10 minutes and he left. By the way, I was not really engaged and it still amazes me how many details I gave him since I know nothing about wedding planning, lol.

    Still makes me mad when I think about it.

  9. Depends. If I feel intimidated, find a girl or guy mate and start a very enthusiastic, context heavy conversation with them. If im alone, possibly find a stranger or staff to chat to.

    If I’m just annoyed, I’d just be honest. “You’re making me uncomfortable.” And then ignore.

  10. Every time he talks dry heave like you’re going to throw up and stop when he stops talking, keep doing that until he walks away lol

  11. It depends on how safe I feel? If I am in public and there are a lot of people around, I will say something like “I have already told you no. You ignoring my no has already told me what kind of man you are.”

    If we are alone or out somewhere late at night, it’s kind of a case by case basis.

  12. My go to line is: “Dude. No means ‘No’ . It does not mean ‘Keep asking until I change my mind’. You asked, I gave you my answer.”

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