I’m dating this guy (21M) and I’m curious to know how many girls he’s been with but don’t know how to bring it up without it being a weird question.

  1. Why do you feel you have the need or right to know that? It’s really not relevant to anything and isn’t any of your business.

  2. This question never goes well and isn’t worth asking.

    It’s an invasive question and isn’t your business. Or anyones business.

  3. Ask him some other questions first to throw him off, then just slip it in there. Hey, what’s your mom’s maiden name? Your credit card number? Number of people you’ve slept with? Oh and your first pet’s name? Thanks babe.

  4. That can get a loaded reply. Do you want to know because you want to see how experienced he is? To know if you’re only in a group of a small amount? To see if he’s been a little bit of a manwhore? I’d just recommend asking about recent test results.

  5. This question never ends well. The result is either you think they are lying (insecurities prompted the question in the first place) or you suddenly find yourself repulsed.

    People who ask these questions often don’t consider the reason behind asking or how thing will go given different answers.

  6. He doesn’t want to know how many people you’ve slept with, all your going to do is make him feel insecure and shitty. It’s not binding or getting to know each other it’s something to fight about

  7. I’m a curious person too, and have said something first like, “I’m interested to know more about your sexual history. Are you curious about mine, and would you be comfortable sharing with me? It wouldn’t be about judgement at all either way, whether you’re comfortable sharing or not I just want to know more about you!” Then if they’re comfortable and open to sharing (only experiences, no names or gossip) great you can have a conversation! And if they say no, then respect their boundary. Most important point is to say explicitly that your purpose in asking is not out of judgement rather to get to know him better. And keep the tone and energy light.

  8. I don’t know how many partners my wife had.

    We never asked that. All I know is she wasn’t a virgin.

  9. It’s a great way to drive a wedge between you right from the start. Body count is a way to cause problems that do not need to be there.

    High stats do not equal experience
    Low stats do not necessarily mean inexperienced

    High stats does give you a reason for anxiety and something to be jealous or experience any number of useless yet destructive emotions.

  10. Ask when he was last tested. The number doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know when his last test was.

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