My girlfriend and I are each other’s first.

During our first time, she was really hurting and it made my lose focus and erection. Online search made more more worried of it happening again. Now, there’s this weird thing where just thinking of losing my erection makes it happen, even if I’m by myself. Like the thought of it going soft.

Also, during blowjobs, it feels great at first and then I starting to lose the feeling really quickly, unless she goes really hard, and it takes a really long time.

During the act, I sometimes feel like there’s a block and I don’t really feel the sexuality of the moment. Like suddenly things don’t turn me on as much, and I lose focus, which often leads to thoughts of losing my erection, which makes it happen. I try to not focus on it too much and enjoy the moment but in moments like penetration I get the thought of “well a lot relies on your erection now, better not lose it, oops.. there it goes..”

Regarding porn, I used to watch porn once a week, and I would watch multiple videos in one session, which can’t be good. Realizing how it probably didn’t have a good influence, I stopped watching porn for about 2 months now. I also just deleted all the porn from my computer. I wonder if there’s anything else I can do in that regard other than a full stop.

We talked this over and she is super supportive and understanding but it still occupies some places in my mind and I would really appreciate any advice/feedback/tips for the ‘thoughts of losing erection making it happen’ and ‘suddenly feeling less turned on’.

Thanks ahead!

  1. Sounds like entirely a mental block(performance anxiety). You’ll want to work on your self confidence and tell yourself it will be good. Also you could try some ED men’s to help things. is all online and discrete

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