I’m uncut and generally happy with my dick. It’s above average in size and my gf loves it. But for some reason I always want the foreskin pulled back. If me and my gf are naked and I’m soft, I’ll pull the foreskin back by instinct. I think it’s cause I’ve always seen cut cocks in media/porn/every depiction. Anyone else feel the same?

Edit: my foreskin fully retracts when hard.

  1. Before having my first BJ I was unsure if it would be a problem, because when it’s up the foreskin can’t be pulled back and hurts for me.

    Then I realized that I should be happy if it’s fully up to begin with at that point

  2. Most guys I’ve been with have been uncut, I’ve never had an issue with it. From a woman’s perspective I see it normal & have never had an issue with previous partners that were uncut

  3. Truth is it was very popular baby boomer and gen x but a lot more millennials and z’s are not actually cut. Religious reasons are often the primary reason for it. Don’t be to self conscious of it it’s fine honestly besides curiosity for me I don’t care

  4. Most of the world is uncut and unless it is for medical reasons like a tightened for skin it is genital mutilation and should be treated as such

  5. Where do you live? I had to Google what this even meant. Online I can see that less than 1% of men in my country are “cut” and it doesn’t seem very popular in Europe in general.

  6. I’ve been restoring my foreskin for over 4 years now. There’s a whole subculture of men trying to get the foreskin back.

  7. I love in New Zealand, I’ve only encountered a couple of cut guys. Uncut is the norm here, your uncut dick is just perfect… don’t be ashamed.

  8. for some reason talking about cut uncut is banned here…strange. what I was saying is uncut is easier to give hand jobs and blowjobs to, rather than cut, so you are blessed. then again I’m British so, I’m used to that.

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