How did you cope or handle the situation of being with someone you felt was “right”, but the timing was not?

  1. She actually told me that although she wanted us to be together that she wouldn’t make me choose and that she wouldn’t get in between my relationship. So she wished me the best and she walked away and I just had to let her go and I moved on.

  2. I went home and jerked off and forgot all about that.

    Thats all you can do. Move on. Get better at timing, if thats in your skill set.

  3. for me, my ex was the right person, but at the wrong time: wrong time because we’re both in hectic uni degrees, and because we’re still developing/ maturing/ growing more as people. i deal with the longing and wishful thinking by saying that hey. if it was meant to be, it will come to you again. and if it wasn’t. then it was for the best. you attract what you’re capable of at that time, and maybe you will be ready for it/ it will be ready for you at a later time. but if it is not. then it’s for the best. sending you hugs op :)))

  4. Felt bad. Shrugged and figured that if a relationship wasn’t in the cards, then I’d at least try being friends and who knows, maybe we’d end up living in the same city again later on down the road.

    Ended up with her starting to hide things from me because she could tell I hadn’t just completely forgotten about being interested in her and then when we finally did have a chance to spend time again together in person she was engaged to someone else and her fiancee was super uncomfortable with our history and she eventually ghosted me, got married, and moved to the frozen north to escape society with her new wife.

    All in all, it was a pretty mixed bag. Had some really good moments. Had some really, really terrible ones.

  5. If the person is right, then the timing doesn’t matter. If you decide the timing is wrong. then they were not the right person.

  6. Embrace the magic of it, because every coin have two sites, à good one and a bad one. Theres magic out there, you had a little piece of it.

    Just let the cold hit you, let the sadness wash over you. Sometimes you need to be strong but sometimes you just need to let yourself feel to move on. The beauty of life also comes for its hardship you know.

    Whats next ? You know that next time it will very well be the right time. Thats comforting no ?

  7. I actually ran into an old friend while I was married and we started hanging out again, and she ended up being just the perfect woman for me, but of course I was married so nothing could ever happen. About a year before my divorce she gets married… Haha just not good timing. Currently I’m dealing with wrong person wrong timing, yet my dumb ass brain still likes her. 😂 Life has a way of being completely fucked sometimes

  8. It was more my fault than the other side. I have had a lifetime of mental health issues, anywhere from mild to severe for too long. I handled it with sadness and depression that can’t be helped. Time is a healer though, and personal change for the better – whatever that can be helped/changed!

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