TLDR: (22M) How big of a turn-off is telling a ONS that thing might be quick? Or should I just let things happen without telling? There is a better way to approach it?

English is not my native language sorry by any mistakes

For the past 4 years I’ve been struggling with a lot of things in my life and didn’t want to get involved with anyone in anyway, and now I’m getting better, taking care of myself, how do I look, and now I’m just craving for been intimate with someone. I don’t like the idea and have never had a ONS and I’m completely out of the hookup culture, but I want to know how it is like, and at the same time I’m aware that after 4 years with out even kissing anyone the probability of it being quick is really high, should I be straight up with the woman I will be with to measure the expectations or should I just let it happen? Is it a big turn-off? There is a better approach?

  1. I think going into any relationship casual or otherwise with the mindset that you will be an anxious disappointment is not the place to be. Try to be confident, enjoy whatever happens, and focus on having a fun time with your partner, whatever that means for you and them. (Hint: ask!)

    If you are really worried about it, there are condoms that dull sensation you could try.

  2. You don’t know what is going to happen. So making a prediction doesn’t make sense. You do know you have taken a 4-year break, so if you want to tell her something, that would be accurate. It is really up to you. Have fun. And keep a positive attitude.

  3. Don’t worry about being quick on the draw, women often take that as an honor. Just go for Round 2. 😎

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