Was just stopped by a lady and she said she liked the way I walked, what compliments have you gotten that you still hold on to?

  1. You’ve got good posture.

    You have nice socks.

    Those are the 2 compliments I’ve gotten from women who I didn’t know.

  2. “You look really cool when you’re in pain, just like a depressed protagonist”… Like what? She wanted to see depressed more often?!!

  3. I think the last compliment i got from someone i didn’t know was in early 2020 when they complimented my hair even though i had just woken up and it looked horrible

  4. I’ve recently begun to put more effort into my appearance. Skincare, shaped beard and a new hairstyle. I’ve gotten a few nice remarks about looking nice.

    Me being me, I’m suspicious that people are just giving me pity compliments, because they can tell I’m trying.

  5. In my younger days, I was talking to a few women at a time. They knew it, and I had no illusion that I was the only guy. As fate would have it, two of the women actually knew eachother, as casual acquaintances. A mutual friend asked why they were ok with going after the same guy. He then relayed the compliment to me. They said it was my eyes, they were like pools of passion.

  6. Had a woman tell me I was *all dick*.. it only stuck with me cuz I didn’t know how to take it initially lol

  7. This lady told me show liked my eyebrows at a job i had in high school. It was the one and only time ive ever heard it and ill never forget it

  8. “OMG look at his butt”, “Can I feel your butt?” Are 2 of the memorable ones. I don’t skip leg day. Also, “Look at the size of that guys chest” and followed with her introducing herself and giving me a piece of paper with her number.

  9. Didn’t do my hair one day and a coworker asked how I got the cool shape. I tried to hard to get rid of it for years before I heard that, and now I don’t.

  10. Wore a purple-ish gingham button up that was form fitting. Not my normal style, probably the only purple attire I’ve ever owned. A gay couple walked by and after a polite exchange of nods after making eye contact one of them politely remarked to me that the shirt looked great on me.

    Bonus: not exactly a compliment but I will never forget it. I was working at my bakery job and a lady came and asked if I played piano out of nowhere, I said “no, why?” She told me I had delicate fingers and looked like I knew my way around some ivory keys.

  11. From women I don’t know:

    Your hair is beautiful!

    You look handsome in that shirt young man!

    Your eyeliner looks better than mine!

    You’re an amazing singer!

    You have a beautiful face.

    The first two were by the nicest old ladies and I treasure those when I feel down or I’m questioning myself. Its crazy how compliments are hard to come by from strangers …so I made it a mission to compliment strangers hoping that I can be a boon of self esteem somewhere down the road from them. It’s so easy to be nice. The cashier’s nails/piercing/ tattoo? Easy. Complimenting other men is more difficult to have meaning, but generally “badass shirt, dude” is enough.

    If it’s someone you know and they’ve been trying to get more fit? If you notice it, mention how they look more comfortable and happy, or how their face/skin is looking more healthy. Those are the ones that stuck with me on my fitness journey and although it takes a bit more time to realize the depths of the compliment… It hits harder and better.

    Pay it forward and lift society!

  12. So around 15 years ago I was active in an amateur online radio community (as in, there was a forum, a radio stream with track rotation, and “DJs” hosting their own blocks with audience participation, themed content and so on). At one point I helped out some guy on the forum with a minor computer issue. As a response, he “ordered” a track with an added message of “n1gr3d0, you’re awesome, you’ll get laid” (it rhymed, too). To which the DJ (a girl) added her own “Oh, don’t worry, I’m pretty sure he’s getting laid regardless”.

    I still remember that fondly. I mean, they were both proven wrong, but it’s the thought that counts.

  13. “You’re adorable.” Which in what i was told once by an adjudicator during a music festival and once by my performing arts teacher in high school during a musical and like 20 other girls. At that time though i was being typecast in those types of roles. It wasn’t technically me that was cute it was my characters

  14. Every now and again someone will tell me i look like Ryan Reynolds. It has only started this past 4 or 5 years. I get embarrassed about it every time but i suppose it could be worse.

  15. Some drunk girl told me in college I had bedroom eyes. Sure beer goggling…but I still think about that one.

  16. “You look like a celebrity and I can’t really figure out who it is,.” The good: it led to a long conversation, the bad: The celebrity ended up being Ryan Seacrest. Final thoughts: “you’re handsome, but now that I see Ryan Seacrest when I look at you it kind of kills it for me.”

  17. “Wow, your eyes are gorgeous!” Spurted out by a random cashier at a local pizza shop.

    I rode that high for months.

  18. … shit, I don’t think I’ve ever really been randomly complimented on my appearance. Or anything else that I can think of …

  19. A gay man told me I was printing though my jeans after I talked to one of his girl friends. Was probably the proudest moment of my life.

  20. I’ve had a couple women tell me that they loved my hair and one told my wife she envys her for being able to run her hands through my hair. 🤷‍♂️

  21. Trained a new guy at work. After his second day I checked in with the GM to let him know the new guy was doing really well, learning the work quickly amd getting along well with everyone.

    GM said that’s a testament to my leadership and what I’ve been able to accomplish with him. That might be the best compliment I’ve ever gotten.

  22. I’ve gotten quite a few compliments (from men and women) that I have a model/celebrity look and some women will plainly say I’m really attractive. I’m not bragging, it’s just that growing up I was always called ugly. At some point it changed and those compliments always stick out to me.

  23. I have long, thick, black hair that’s naturally wavy and full. Women are generally jealous of how little effort I put into my hair (literally just shampoo and conditioner a few times a week) and yet it looks great all the time.

    I was standing outside a store with my fiance while some friends were inside shopping and this woman walks by, maybe 20 feet from us, and starts shouting “God DAMN that’s some hair! That’s a beautiful man right there! I wish he was MY boyfriend!” and just kept walking.

    To this day whenever my hair is looking particularly good my fiance will say “that’s a beautiful man right there!”

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