I took Vortioexetine for only a week, and I got numb genitals, impotence, anorgasmia which continues despite me being off the medication. It has been devastating. I am a very young man in my 20s who should not be dealing with this. I had no problem prior to taking shit SSRI. I feel like my life is ruined. I am 7 months off,I repeat, 7 months off the meds and I still deal with this side effects. My relationship has been ruined, which ruined my job and I got fired and my life is pratically collapsing. Just wanted it to vent .

  1. you should definitely visit a doctor and consider seeing a therapist but it’s possible that your depression/ mental health is contributing to these symptoms. SSRIs do not stay in your system 7 months after you stop taking them. The half life of Vortioexetine is 66 hours and it should be completely out of your system 16 days or so after you stop taking it. In her TED talk, Emily Nagowski explains how removing the barriers (ie mental barriers) AND stimulating arousal- not just one or the other- are essential for experiencing sexual pleasure.

    [TED Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/emily_nagoski_the_keys_to_a_happier_healthier_sex_life?language=en)

  2. Should have improved after removing the SSRI. Go see your doctor l, hit the gym and eat healthy

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