Looking for tips on improving my penetration game. (M29)

Based on past healthy relationships, my current SO, and this sub, I’ve always approached sex as a female first mission. So given that, I feel very confident in my ability to use my hands, mouth, and toys on my partner, and she orgasms at least once every time we have sex.

What I’d like to improve is my stroke game. My partner and I have great sex but I often feel like I need to reposition myself because of knee or hip discomfort. Wondering if there’s any exercises, stretches, strength training, etc to help improve my ability to stroke more consistent and longer periods.

FWIW I do already regularly exercise and am in pretty good shape, so hoping for more specific feedback beyond things like “just get stronger and in shape”.

  1. >knee or hip discomfort

    I’ve heard that knee pain can be caused by either weak or tight quads. So you could do some quad strengthening or flexibility exercises.

    If you’re like most men you probably have very tight hips. You could do the yoga pose called ‘butterfly’ to stretch that out.

  2. I just learned about Taoist Thrusting, you go nine shallow strokes and 1 deep, then 8 shallow 2 deep, etc then back up again and repeat. You can do Taoist Licking if you want up your head game, it’s just tiny fast licks followed by a long slow lick, you get the idea.

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