When did you realise that you were setting the bar too low for your own good?

  1. When I was walking myself home at 11pm because my then boyfriend (now ex) had decided he would rather drink and watch Rick and Morty instead of driving me home. Like, immediately after sex, he chugged a beer and said he couldn’t drive me home.

  2. When my boyfriend at the time threw his phone at the wall because I didn’t want to give him a bj. I stayed with him for three more years. Luckily I dumped him finally and have been so much better off.

  3. I got angry that a company wasn’t providing adequate support of my position. I had zero intentions of every moving up beyond it. Well, now I’ve spend a year and a half prov9ng why that support position is necessary, why I should be that person, and what the job should entail. I have a meeting this week with corporate regarding creating the position.

  4. when I felt like I was walking on eggshells whenever I wanted to say something. I couldn’t cry without feeling guilty. idk, I guess I just put everyone above me but .. I should be first lol

  5. Any time I asked my ex for help with our child. He resented me for having her and was never a father to her. I was trapped with a huge physical and emotional burden that I couldn’t escape so I endured.

    I left him for someone else once I was able and haven’t looked back

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