Curious about where we stand with this.

I, 31 M, haven’t actually cried since the 8th grade. One of my best friends had been going to my school illegally (his family was lying about where they lived and he was supposed to be in another district) and he was found out and had to switch schools. I cried into my pillow when I got the news.

I have had more devastating things happen in my life since, but at some point after that, I just became and kept stoic. Never cried with the death of family, through divorce, and any other of life’s curve balls.

Some men I know are the same way, like my father, but others say this is strange. Where do you stand? No shame, just curious. Hoping to get a good sample size here.

Edit: I hadn’t thought of it, but I guess it was unfair of me to ask this question on the day of the Queen’s death. I am not European and am unaffected by the news, but my condolences to those who are affected.

  1. Just watched that episode of the fresh prince again. The why don’t he want me. Gets me every time.

  2. 8-9 years ago, when I discovered my ex-fiance cheated on me.

    It nearly ended my life.

    Haven’t cried or trusted any woman since.

  3. Week ago when thinking about my dog who passed away back in March

    I think about her now and then and get emotional

  4. Yesterday. Self esteem problems.

    But, I didn’t cry on my grandma’s funeral. I mean, I felt sad. I simply accepted it as natural thing and there wasn’t tear. Also felt better for her somehow.

    I mean. Even if you don’t cry. You can still feel sad.

    Not strange AT ALL.

  5. Been awhile, felt good to do it. Not sure I could have been who I am without my wife.

    Oh I stand broken at the time I lost my father. I was vulnerable to everyone and I could see what most couldn’t see only because they choose not to. My wife saw in me my vulnerability and strength at the same time and so must I give her the same.

    I truly love her more than makes sense in my mind and will be there for her when it makes sense even less, she is loved that much in my mind and heart.

  6. Our Queen died, today, dude.

    So, about a month ago when I watched Ahsoka Tano leave the Jedi Order on a rewatch. That gets me every time.

  7. Honestly, I (40M) very nearly cried several times today after hearing about the death of the Queen, and watching the news coverage…

  8. When I lost my dad 4 years ago, before that I have no idea. And even with my dad dying, I cried once when I found out for about 30 seconds, then for how much pain I was feeling, I didn’t cry at all since. I think it’s almost like calluses on our mind and emotion center of our brain. The more shit we deal with, the less emotional we get about it. I thought I was becoming a sociopath of sorts at one point, until I talked to a few other men I know who are the exact same. I don’t see it as a horrible thing, because crying sucks haha but there’s nothing wrong with letting it out if that’s what you do.

  9. About 2 hours ago, watching a very emotional TV show. I cry often lol, love crying to films and shows

  10. Couple of days ago while watching a K drama. But I don’t cry when people die. 🤷🏿‍♂️

  11. A couple days ago. A story about a 3 year old who was killed. Ever since I’ve had kids my empathy dial when it comes to kids and family stuff has been cranked to 11.

  12. I can’t remember. Maybe sometime in high school? After then, if I’m really hurt or depressed, I usually just withdraw myself and stay silent for long periods of time.

  13. Chemotherapy.

    Specifically, after my first week as an inpatient. Being wheeled out after 6 days inside, I looked at the little garden they have outside the hospital and I just broke. Utterly broke.

  14. This morning, actually. I don’t know if “crying” is the word I’d use to describe it. More like “I shed 3 or 4 tears”.

    I watched the ending of The Office’s Micheal Scott leaving the office for the last time with Jim saying his last “Not Goodbye, goodbyes”.

    It’s one of the most heartwarming moments I’ve seen on film. Turns out, it was real emotions. That’s why it hits so hard. Why did I watch it? Because I felt like shedding a few tears.

    Sometimes I’ll wake up and shed tears out of appreciation for life itself. Sometimes, and this will sound weird, I’ll shed tears if I’m feeling horny and I have a lot of pent up sexual energy. Tears helps me deal with the sexual tension. This happens maybe once a week?

    I will occasionally get emotional over family and friends. I rarely cry over the lost of a loved one if I’ve spent a lot of time with that person and have no regrets.

    Lets see, when I’m in nature and I’m overwhelmed by the beauty of what’s around me, San Diego did that for me many times over.

    Now that I think about it, sounds like I’m a big cry baby, but I’m really not lol. I just enjoy releasing that tension through crying just as much as I do through laughter. I’m calm and stoic 80% of the time, but 20% of the time I’m still a human being with a range of emotions I have no problem feeling and expressing when appropriate.

  15. I have cried twice in the past five years.

    So my brothers dog died few months ago.
    I’m chronically depressed and I was responsible for him for a 3 month period. Merely having to walk him everyday has helped me keep afloat.
    Plus the bastard loved me. Miss waking up finding that he would be sleeping in my room.

    yeah, we don’t deserve dogs.

  16. I want to say sometime in August. I deal with a lot of mental health issues and while not every flareup ends in crying, it’s not uncommon for it to build up over several days and then end up in a crying fit.

    For the more typical type of crying where something sad happens and it causes you to cry, uh, hm. It’s been a few years. I remember crying when I was going to be homeless and it looked like I couldn’t find a place to re-home my dog before my friend was able to take him, it’s possibly happened a couple of times since but I don’t remember the details. So that type is much more rare for me.

  17. 24 give or take hours ago and no one heard it nor saw it I lowered my guard and had a moment with my own God

  18. I teared up bad watching Dave Grohl struggling to get through “Times Like These.”

    RIP Taylor Hawkins

  19. My cat died two years ago, the time i cut onions before that was five years prior when my old man had a heart attack

  20. My last good long cry was about two months ago. Other than that, there are certain movie scenes and songs I can put on if I want to squeeze a few out and let off some pressure.

  21. 26, my dog decided it was time (had her since I was 10) and I got done digging her grave and put her in her favorite spot on the property, I wanted her to enjoy her last moments. I went to go grab my firearm and when I came back she had passed, she was waiting for me to get out of sight so she could move on.

    Was beyond relived I didn’t have to put her down but at the same time I was overwhelmed with sadness and love for her.


    Before I get the assholes crying about my actions posting, she hated the vet with a passion, couldn’t find a vet to put her down at the house and I didn’t want her last moments in a place she feared. She left this world knowing she was loved in a place that she loved to be and that’s good enough for me. She died in a flower bed overlooking the cattle that she felt the need to protect.

  22. I eat rejections like bowl of Cheerios. But for the past six month, I’ve been rejected by many women simply because I’m a former Russian. I’m a US citizen, former US Army veteran, lived in US for over 30 years.

    Fuck my life. I can’t get a date. Tried every OLD app. I get phone numbers, as soon as they hear my Russian accent over the phone, I get rejected.

    A month ago I made a great connection with a woman via OLD. Few days later I called her and she rejected me. I felt broken and cried. I don’t know what else to do at this point. I have no control of my past or my former background.

  23. I cry alone rather often actually. Usually not wailing, just some tear welling and sad-face feeling, then it goes away. As for crying in front of other people, I’m not really sure. Been a while.

  24. Couple of weeks ago at work, felt like a useless fuck up who never does anything properly with anything in my life. No one else was around, not a soul. Just me and a minute of misery. Had a cry, picked myself up, got on with my job. Talked about it later with my wife, but didn’t go into a lot of details.

  25. Last week when my sister got married

    A year ago when our daughter was born

    A year ago when I got married

    A year ago when my grandparents both passed away due to covid

    When my dad turned 60 last year

    A few weeks back when our daughter was doing her first steps.

    Now that I write it down its way more than i initially thought. Before events above it must have been atleast 10 years that I cried for the last time. Whoops!

  26. My birthday about 4 months ago. My girlfriend and 2 daughters kicked me out of the house for about 3 hours and decorated in “the office” theme. My GF created this really elaborate scavenger hunt that led to all kinds of little goodies that tied into the show and tied in how much she loved me in each little clue. It ended with a big gift and a teapot like the office had filled with all these little sentimental things. To top it off my oldest daughter (13) made her own b-day card for me that was super sweet. I lost it in front of all three of them. It was one of the sweetest most heartfelt things anyone has ever done for me.

  27. I honestly have no idea unless you count my eyes watering up when I exploded my finger swinging a 4 pound hammer. I broke out cold sweats and about puked after that

  28. I cried when my marriage ended. Before that when my dog died. But aside from years between tears. Nothing wrong with crying when there’s a reason for it, but things that are cause for it, for me personally, come pretty rarely. Maybe once every few years.

  29. In front of others, at an aunt funeral that was 5 years ago.

    Alone, some times when the music timing is perfect I’ll just close my eyes let my emotion go for a bit and act like nothing happened afterwards.

  30. My dad’s funeral, about four years ago. He had stage four pancreatic cancer, so we knew the end was coming. We spent a lot of time together saying our goodbyes and swapping stories. I was right there with him when he passed. All in all, I was relieved for him, but I miss him. He was a great guy.

  31. Ngl , I cry during very emotional scenes in tv shows and movies . That’s also how I gauge if a show is good vs great So the other day I was watching better call Saul and in S3 (SPOILERS) 🚨 when chuck basically disowned jimmy as a brother I was like damn that was a real tear down my eye

    I only really breakdown and cry when I think about losing my loved ones one day bc Ik it’s coming (not that they’re sick or anything) just in general I’m a bit crazy lol

  32. January. I didnt feel safe at home that night, so i slept in my car. Turns out the reason why i did that wasnt going to happen. Went home the next day and tried really hard to not cry. Did anyway.

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