So I’m not really sure how to type this but I’ll try my best

I had a rough upbringing and had only two friends who later left after school and went their separate ways, so I started making friends online and I met my ex and we started talking, playing games online as she was in a different country and we began to start liking each other quite a lot.

We eventually met up and fell in love at the airport (cheesy move lol) and we had started an online relationship. At the start it was amazing but then overtime things started to go slowly down hill.

Nearer to the end, we broke up because we was arguing, not spending time with each other and ignoring each others feelings and It was left like that. We started talking 1 month after breaking up and got back together and she had a free internship in Japan for a year and invited me to stay with her for six months, so I flew over and it was magic for the first month and went back to normal with bitterness and and ended up just being friends and calling it off. We were friends with benefits until I flew back home and after that, we officially ended anything sexual/relationship there and stopped talking to each other (her choice)

I feel that I moved on from my ex quite fast because I met my girlfriend one month after a four year online breakup as i wanted to make a new friend and things escalated too fast (which i don’t regret) and I don’t think that was the healthiest decision and now I’m facing it now.

The thing that pains me now, is I’m with my current girlfriend who I live with and we love each other a lot and I’ve been with her for 3 years 21st September 2022 , but I feel that I don’t give her my full attention, like I’ve got my ex in the back of my head and I can’t get her out. When I look at certain people, it reminds me of my ex with her face and I grow a liking to that person.

TL:DR I don’t feel that I’m over my ex and i don’t want to ruin anything with my current girlfriend by thinking about my ex.

What can I do to help move on? Do i need to see a therapist or how do i accept that I’ve lost my chance and move on with my girlfriend?

  1. Look, the people who have been in your life will always be there. Just the way it is. The memories, the experiences will forever be there, and as time goes on you’ll remember more of the good things and less of the reasons you were incompatible. So there is always a certain remembering going on.

    The important thing to remember is that is the past. There is a reason you’re not with that person, and a reason you are with your current partner. Realize those events happened but move on with the person you are with and do right by them.

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