I downloaded this app 2 years ago and haven’t touched it since but I just came back to say I am just plain pathetic. I am 17 and still haven’t had a girlfriend or so much as a kiss. One of my best friends is in a 3 month relationship on discord with his girl and he keeps sending me servers to talk to people, but I just don’t feel like it. I have female friends and there are people in my grade I like but I don’t feel like asking them out. I wouldn’t call myself a 10 but either a 5 or 6, I’m not really tall as at 5’9, I am also overweight at around 203. The thing is my standards are stupidly high for no reason, it takes me a full year to consider someone my friend so I don’t know if it’s my looks or personality holding me back. The sad thing is I know I don’t need a girlfriend now to be happy, that I want to find the right person but another side of me is hating myself for not trying. I will admit I am scared of rejection, I am more on the shy side so even a rejection from a girl could stick with me for a long time. I just can’t figure out what exactly is my problem.

  1. You’re 17. Stop putting pressure on yourself, this cycle only works against you.

    > One of my best friends is in a 3 month relationship on discord with his girl

    i mean… at least you’re not this guy. chin up. stop feeling sorry for yourself, and just focus on being 17. Be social, genuinely listen and ask questions when conversing with girls, and generally don’t be an asshole. have an interesting hobby to talk about.

    just quit with the pressure in yourself.

  2. Bro ur 17. If u really wanna get a girl at this age then spend it free time getting into shape. It not only make u look better but also builds ur confidence. Plus ur bored anyways most likely. Win win win.
    Even if u don’t get a girl u will still be in great health and be happier with urself.

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