How important is it to ask for permission to hold someone’s hand for the first time?

  1. I feel like it’s kind of awkward to ask permission outright. I feel like holding hands is a lot like kissing where you give implied consent by inching your way closer to each other before you hold hands.

  2. Take a fountain pen, fill out a permission slip… In triplicate… With a lawyer witness from both parties.

    Or could could just hold a hand and respectfully stop if rejected by.

  3. You guy’s need to erase the mentality of asking women for sexual/dating related things. Please don’t ask her for permission to hold a hand or to kiss. Learn to read her body language then go from there. Asking for permission == lame and mood killer.

    Think about it. Asking for permission is a lifetime thing. Every time you want to kiss, hold hands, get a bj, or have sex you’ll have to ask. Just because she’s your girl it doesn’t matter. See how foolish this is? Learn to read her mood and body language. Then you’ll never have to ask.

  4. I prefer to play the fun game of slightly bumping into each other on purpose to create awkward sexual tension until someone grabs the others hand

  5. I don’t think it’s necessary to ask permission for these things. If you don’t grab or kiss someone really unexpectedly (like without leaning in or smth), it gives a chance to pull away or say no if they don’t want to (kinda make sure you leave them a chance for that though).

    Just stop and don’t try again if they don’t seem really into it.

  6. I don’t think it’s super important in this day and age but I think you should always at least offer your hand for the very first time. Don’t even have to say anything just offer your hand out and like just give them the eye brow raise lol

  7. I suspect some people will make an issue out of it these days but if its someone you are seeing on-going it shouldn’t be an issue.

    If someone does raise that as an issue just leave as its kind of an indicator of what you’ll be dealing with down the road and I can’t see any scenario where dealing with that kind of thing is worth it. Its a lot easier and will have a much better outcome for you to just find someone less uptight and not looking to be offended by everything.

  8. Don’t forget to ask her for permission to breath the same air she is breathing, and if you really want to show her that you respect her – ask her if it’s okay for you to even be speaking to her.

  9. I personally think it’s cute if they just simply asked “hey, can I hold your hand”. But not asking is totally fine too, like most of these comments are saying. Just don’t be super formal about asking if you’re worried about their personal space, because I’m sure they also want to hold your hand too if they agreed to go on a date with you.

  10. Necessary but not sufficient. You need to get them to sign the consent form too. *Verba volant, scripta manent.*

  11. My wife was the first to grab my hand and pull me toward another walking path. And then we just kept holding hands. And we held hands on the way home. Man my head was buzzing. We were in our early 20’s and just high on hand holding like we were 12 or something. Pretty funny.

  12. If you’re a man, you better record the consent !

    If you’re a woman, go ahead. Nothing is gonna stop you

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