Hello, this could be a bit long but i would appreciate if i could get advice to my last point;

There was one girl I had a lot of contact last year. From that moment on, we were in the Discord Voice every day, writing all day etc. and we had mostly a rly good time. During that time, however, there were a many times where someone or both became very toxic, a lot of “fights” happened and we hurt each other a lot. Mostly for minor reasons, mostly because we were overwhelmed with the contact and both of us are/were very shy and insecure people.

Neither of us wanted to admit what a “relationship” we were in and acted like it wasn’t “serious”. There were moments when we had no contact for several weeks or even months. Not a deliberate break, of course, but there was always a reason for it. Sometimes people (mostly me unfortunately) made false statements, hurt them extremely etc. The person even cried because of me or could hardly sleep for several days, their eating problem got “worse” etc. I don’t want to talk about my problems even i got the same kind of problems, ignored/couldnt do my school stuff etc (since I a bit uncomfortable), but I hope you can understand/imagine what a “toxic” but at the same time “serious” relationship it was (not a boyfriend/boyfriend relationship \[officially tho\]).

The problem now is;
We have not been in contact for almost 1 1/2 years. I forgot that reason for that but the last thing i remember is that she wanted to be alone for a few days. After that I wrote her something and got ignored/ghosted until today and was blocked by her from almost all plattforms. Of course, the phase where you have absolutely no idea what happened, what I did wrong, whether her health is good at all, etc., took a lot out of me mentally, but after 1 1.5 years I was able to work on most of it and could do a lot.
I dont quite know why, but for several days ive been playing with the idea of ​​sending her a message, where I only want to offer her to talk about what happened if she’s still concerned about it. I don’t want her to still be struggling with that and feeling bad about it. I wouldn’t have been able to say this a few months ago either as I was still struggling with myself and needed to improve, but currently I feel able to speak about the past. The negative thing about it, however, is that I risk possibly bothering/annoying her, she will remember it or us and she will feel bad. That’s giving me a lot of thought at the moment and I don’t want to risk anything. In the same way, I ask myself the question of what I really hope for. Will I be happy if I just talk to her about little things and then everything will be the same as before, i.e. the time when we no longer had any contact. Or do I want to establish contact again and use this as a conductor. I can’t explain it to myself. I hope my problem is understandable.

What do u think about it. What should i do? I would appreciate all kind of thoughts about this but pls dont get too mean about my past me or of her.

  1. “The negative thing about it, however, is that I risk possibly bothering/annoying her, she will remember it or us and she will feel bad”.

    You cant know how she feels if you dont ask. If your not purposly trying to upset her and she gets upset anyway thats not a big deal, just know not to message her again. If you dont message her you have no idea how she feels.

    The rest of it your gonna have to work out yourself. Just dont expect that she would want the same sort of relationship as before.

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