TD;LR: He doesn’t really know what he wants, I think he’s confused, he’s been through trauma and struggles to express his feelings, he doesn’t want to lose me, but I don’t know what to do, i feel lost and mentally drained to even make the right decision, please help

We had a fight last night and he said he doesn’t know if he wants a relationship, if he’s the kind of person to be in one, he said he doesn’t want to lose me, I think he’s confused, he doesn’t know how what a relationship is supposed to be like, it’s new to him, he’s had past trauma and I know first hand he struggles to express his feelings and emotions, he doesn’t talk much.

I don’t know what to do, I live in a new city and the thought of upheaving my life again to move out, leave my friends behind (we are part of a small group) and start over, I’m scared of it, to find the mental motivation right now to do all of that, there’s a chance I could be walking away from someone who truly wants to be with me but perhaps he doesn’t, I just don’t know. It’s easy for someone to say move on, I have already considered if this is what needs to happen, but what if I make a rash decision and regret moving on? He said if it comes down to breaking up he doesn’t want to lose me in his life, but I can’t see myself being able to do that, i was surprised he couldn’t even say that. I feel so much sadness right now, i don’t know how to move forward or what decision to make. There are so many things that come with it. Please be kind, i feel a lot of sadness right now

1 comment
  1. Give him space and the time to think about it and then have him come back to you once he know what he wants

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