Inspired by Supermarket Sweep (I know they didn’t get 10 minutes btw lol) and Dale Winton not Rylan!

You get ten minutes to fill up as many trolleys as possible with your SO.

How much damage do you think you could do!

  1. Do vouchers count? Cigarettes and spirits followed by the electronics section. Got to be able to sell things on easily.

  2. Perfume section – then commence my career as a spray seller in the club toilets. “No spray no lay”.

  3. If it’s a Sainsbury’s then trolley loads of raspberry and yoghurt cereal, and sun dried tomato paste…the two items I can’t get from my standard Tesco shop.

  4. All the lottery tickets!! And then with the leftover time, formula and nappies (to give to women shelters and the local hospital), cigarettes, electronics, alcohol and if I have time leftover – some nice chocolates.

  5. All the scratch cards, Then all the tobacco, Then all the small electronics, then all the top shelf spirits.

  6. Laundry detergent, i dont drink enough to make the booze isle worthwhile and not paying for persil for a few years would be worth it.

  7. r/ADHD – Do absolutely nothing OR end up putting bunch of stuff that I absolutely will NEVER every need !

  8. Just to start off with my partner and I live on a boat and don’t usually use our fridge/freezer so there will be less meats and fridge foods on my list.

    3-5 zebrovska vodka bottles
    3-5 bottles or kracken rum
    Some of the most expensive wines

    A new set of stoneware plates

    As many underware my partner and I wear in our size.

    A lamb leg

    As many sausissons/chorizo as I can get
    Jars of artichokes and sun dried tomatoes
    Canned tuna
    Lots of extra Virgin olive oil
    The fancy peanut butter
    Manuka honey and fancy set honey

    All the aa batteries

    Kelloggs crunchy nut

    A big thing of parmigiana
    Ports salut
    cheeses wrapped in wax
    And any hard cheeses that may last

    Clipper tea

  9. Is OP actually thinking for a fun game, some civil unrest, or the apocalypse?

    Booze and cigs would be a good choice in most cases – easy to convert to cash (or barter).

    Most electronics would be useless in some apocalyptic scenarios.

    When I worked in retail as a teen, a few times we had people literally do this with batteries and walk out. Presumably high value, dense, fungible and easy to flog in the pub or at boot sales. (Muggins here had to stamp the shop’s name and address on the replacement stock)

  10. Posh washing powder, fabric conditioner and all of the scent boosters. Then dishwasher tablets and cheese and lurpack and all the Gu cheesecakes a girl can eat- gotta go for the costly stuff!

  11. I just realised how boring I must be, because I immediately thought of organic chicken breast and thighs, then all the salmon fillets. Pack the spare freezer with those, then onto the beef, and sausage aisle…

  12. Everyone’s answers are good, but you’ve all forgotten the most egregiously expensive item. Inkjet printer ink. A trolley full of that has got to be enough to retire on.

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