What is your funniest memory of high school?

  1. When I had a friend who would brag about he can get any girl backstory this bi kid in my class dressed like a girl for Halloween, so the friend I bet you can’t get her while pointing at the guy who’s not looking my friend confident left to do it came back angry when he found out he hit on a guy

  2. The boys bathroom was so vandalized so consistently they literally got shut down. At one point a stall door was stolen

  3. Trying and failing to start a riot, getting “arrested” (no charges but body slammed and cuffed) for rioting anyway.

  4. Went to a boarding school, here’s some of the crazy shit we use to do:

    * Mattress races down the stairs
    * Campus-wide hide and seek (lasted all day, you brought your own food with you to eat in your hiding spot and anything else to keep you entertained)
    * At the end of the year, a game of rock paper scissors was played between two guys and the loser had to run around the halls naked
    * We held an auction with a fake currency that was used in the dorms twice a year, and that shit turned into a bidding war, somehow guys would end up with like millions of dollars and only buy like one grain of rice with it
    * We use to do movie night out on the lake nearby with a giant projector

  5. My buddy ditched the last quarter of our senior year, so for every day he ditched, I stole plastic knives from the caf and stuffed them through the slats in his locker.

    Eventually, I ran out of room and had to stop. I forgot about the knives.

    And then, he showed up. And opened his locker. And thousands of knives spilled out into the hallway.

    It was magic.

    That, or them taking away the stall doors to combat vandalism.
    I just got used to shitting with an audience, and now no longer experience shame or embarrassment in a meaningful way.

  6. Between classes , a kid shit on a plate and put it in the teachers lounge microwave on high.

    It eventually put off so much rancid smoke it set off the fire alarm.

  7. We always had gatherings in the auditorium before breaks. This time in 9th grade, we were gathered right for the Christmas break/celebration in the auditorium.

    Me and my friends were sitting together. School was just about to get let out and they wanted to see which grade could make the most noise. I looked at my friend and said “yo, let’s say penis”. My friend doesn’t give a shit what he says so i knew he’d do it, and i wouldn’t.

    So when the lady said “9th grade make some noise” my friend screamed penis at the top of his lungs and literally NOT A SINGLE OTHER PERSON said anything. Everyone started laughing, even the teachers. As soon as he said it and everyone laughed, the bell rang for dismissal. He never got in trouble.

  8. This is absolutely one of these “you had to be there” moments but once with no warning a light fixture separated from the ceiling and crashed to the ground. Thankfully no one was under it, otherwise it would have been far less funny. This was at the end of a marathon project, and my buddy and I were running on very minimal sleep. For some reason this light fixture plus utter lack of anything resembling rest in the past week became the funniest thing ever. My buddy and I didn’t stop hysterically laughing for 20 minutes.

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